Työmuistin kaksivaiheisen resurssienjakomallin hermostollinen perusta ja sen sovellus (NERAMWMIA)


Rahoittajan antama koodi/diaarinumero333649

Päärahoittajan myöntämä tuki (€)

  • 228 457,00


Hankkeen aikataulu

Hankkeen aloituspäivämäärä01.09.2020

Hankkeen päättymispäivämäärä31.08.2023


Recently, we proposed a working memory resource allocation model to solve the contradiction of previous studies. However, the role of attention mechanism in the model is still unclear. The aim of the project is to provide evidence for the model at the neural level, and determine the attention mechanism that plays an important role in the resource allocation of working memory. A cognitive training paradigm will be designed for the attention mechanism, and the effect of the paradigm on working memory will be examined. The present project will provide a new theoretical basis for the working memory study. More importantly, the project will open a new door for cognitive training, which can be utilized in the future to help individuals with low memory capacity.

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-17-04 klo 12:57