Enhancing Professional skills and Raising Awareness on Domestic Violence, Violence against Women and Shelter Services. (EPRAS)

Main funder

Funder's project number4000009936

Funds granted by main funder (€)

  • 126 913,56

Funding program

Project timetable

Project start date01/03/2017

Project end date31/08/2019


Increase social- and health care professionals and police (professionals) awareness and knowledge about violence against women (VAW), domestic violence (DV) and shelter services
Increase professionals’ ability to recognize, encounter and document VAW and DV, encourage to interfere in violence and to guide victims to shelter services
Increase Finnish population’s awareness and knowledge about VAW, DV and shelter services and referral to shelters
Develop and implement an electronic Training Programme(TP) for professionals focused on VAW, DV and shelter services in the sphere of operations

Developing and implementing 4-5 modular electronic TP for self-study for professionals about recognizing VAW and DV and to encourage disclosures, report violence and raise awareness of shelter services in the sphere of operations: Tampere, Jyväskylä and Vaasa, Finland.

Pre-testing the TP with sample of target group before implementing it with the whole group

Producing new material and utilize material developed formerly by THL with a special focus on awareness raising and skills development in relation to shelter services
Implementing awareness-raising campaigns in public happenings, local exhibitions and spread information leaflets at police stations, maternity and child health clinics, other social and health care and educational organizations to raise awareness about VAW, DV and shelter services
Researching and evaluating the influence of activities throughout the project but particularly 6 months after completion of the activities

Producing electronic web based enquiry about VAW, DV and the usage of shelter services to professionals in the sphere of operations. Enquiry will be connected to TP and implemented twice

Implementing focus group interviews for professionals (x2)

Interviewing personnel of the shelters (x2) to gain information about victims situation and awareness of services and referrals to shelters in the sphere of operations

Collecting information by interviewing and with enquires from experts by experiences (clients of shelters) about the knowledge, services, and guidance they have received before coming to shelter

Evaluating and monitoring the impact of project’s activities for development of the utilization rate of the shelters in the sphere of operations during the project. Evaluation process takes also advantage of THL’s and police’s statistics.

Evaluating the data from professionals enquiries (x2) and interviews (x2) with quantitative and qualitative methods to assess the attitudinal and behavioural change

Evaluating the data from personnel and clients of shelters to assess the impact of activities in the project

Website development and updating , active use of social media in campaigning and dissemination, press releases

Expertise sharing on preventive interventions between partners, associate partners, and national advisory group
Evaluating the outcomes of the project in relation to objectives to develop a sustainable program
Disseminating the results and outcome of the project, TP and best practices of awareness-raising
Type and number of persons benefiting from the project
Trained professionals in social- and healthcare (n=1000) and in the police (n=700)

Expected results
Increased awareness, knowledge and skills related to VAW, DV and shelter services among professionals who completed the TP
Increased early detection and bringing up the VAW and DV by professionals
Increased awareness of VAW, DV and shelter services among Finnish population
Enhanced support for victims of violence through increased level of actions taken to prevent VAW and DV in the 3 project’s sphere of operations – and beyond as the TP and project’s recommendations are disseminated
Greater researcher understanding of this under-researched area and development of new, impactful, research

Principal Investigator

Primary responsible unit

Follow-up groups

Related publications and other outputs

Last updated on 2024-17-04 at 12:49