Protecting Mobility through Improving Labour Rights Enforcement in Europe


Rahoittajan antama koodi/diaarinumeroVS/2016/0222

Päärahoittajan myöntämä tuki (€)

  • 130 672,58


Hankkeen aikataulu

Hankkeen aloituspäivämäärä01.01.2017

Hankkeen päättymispäivämäärä31.12.2018


This project seeks, first and foremost, to provide and promote research-based knowledge on posting of workers. While targeted mostly to academic scholars and NGO activists, this activity will bring together state-of-the-art knowledge on posting of workers on a European scale; this knowledge basis will be for further use throughout the project, and it will form the grounds for dissemination activities during the project.
Another objective of this project is to provide platforms for social partners and public authorities to share views and compare experiences on the issue of posting of workers. Especially in the Eastern Europe, NGOs play a major role in reporting violations concerning posting of workers, and they are involved in this cooperation. Experiences on the use of the Internal Market Information System (IMI) are also shared during the activities related to this objective.
The third objective of the project revolves around information collection and dissemination, stipulated by the 2nd objective. One single action is planned for the improvement of information collection as well as utilisation of policy-related data related to posting of workers. Related to this goal is the enhancement of the use of existing web systems aimed at cooperation between state authorities (IMI), social partners and posted workers and/or employers (ECMIN) as well as between workers and employers (EURES).

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-17-04 klo 12:50