Nordplus Network in Psychology 2021

Main funder

Funder's project numberNPHE-2021/10270

Funds granted by main funder (€)

  • 14 000,00

Funding program

Project timetable

Project start date15/05/2021

Project end date01/10/2022


The Nordplus Network in Psychology aims at collaboration of Psychology Departments in thirteen Nordic
Universities. The main purpose of the network is to provide psychology students the opportunity to study
in another Nordic country, to provide teachers and researchers of Psychology opportunities for visiting
other Nordic Universities and for discussions on the common topics of education, supervision, research
and working-life competences among the Universities.
This network also aims to develop and strengthen collaboration in professional Psychology education
in the Nordic countries. The connections built through this network will enhance the students' cultural
awareness and possibilities to work and live in the neighbouring countries in future. The Psychology
education in the Nordic countries is arranged quite similarly, which can be seen as a good basis for the
cooperation. The similar research interests in the different institutions give larger possibilities to reach
worthwhile results. The Network in Psychology has been active for over twenty years. As the COVID19
pandemic has impacted the physical mobilities, the idea of establishing joint online modules including
virtual mobility has been introduced in the network.

Principal Investigator

Other persons related to this project (JYU)

Primary responsible unit

Last updated on 2023-22-02 at 15:45