Yhteistoiminnallisia ratkaisuja sirpaloituvien yhteiskuntien ongelmiin - käänne yhteishallintaan ympäristöpäätöksenteossa (CORE)

Tutkimusta rahoitti strategisen tutkimuksen neuvosto, joka toimii Suomen Akatemian yhteydessä.


Rahoittajan antama koodi/diaarinumero313015

Päärahoittajan myöntämä tuki (€)

  • 650 000,00


Hankkeen aikataulu

Hankkeen aloituspäivämäärä01.09.2017

Hankkeen päättymispäivämäärä28.02.2022


The project will target, analyse and upgrade selected environmental governance processes with collaborative experiments such as facilitated negotiation, conflict resolution and consensus-building, joint fact finding, collaborative learning and policy dialogue. The project will evaluate the success of collaborative interventions in the case studies from government, business, civil society and science perspectives and carry out a legal and policy analysis of the compatibility of the proposed solutions with current institutions, regulatory frameworks and democratic processes, including proposals for needed adjustments.

The project will test the assumption that collaborative processes and associated inclusive knowledge practices can create innovative, fair, wise and efficient solutions that are perceived as legitimate by a large set of societal actors, especially in the Finnish environmental planning and policy-making context. The specific objectives and research questions are:

To diagnose and adapt collaborative governance mechanisms and capacity building to enable joint problem-solving between societal actors, and to examine the ways to integrate self-organising interactive processes within (relatively) well-functioning democratic structures in Finland (WP1).
b) To examine the ways in which inclusive knowledge practices can break down existing silos in science and policy and create knowledge that is salient, reliable and timely by decision-makers, citizens, stakeholder organizations and businesses (WP2).
c) To examine how to engage civil society actors effectively in collaborative environmental governance processes, with a special attention to e-democracy and fourth sector, and how to build weaker parties’ capacity to participate in collaborative processes (WP3).
d) To critically study the regulatory underpinnings and openings of collaborative governance in the Finnish legal-administrative context, especially regarding regulatory streamlining (WP4).
e) To apply a business perspective on collaborative governance solutions, with a focus on how businesses and other societal actors can co-create shared value (WP5).
f) To conduct real-life experiments jointly with CORE stakeholders in on-going environmental planning and policy-making processes (WP6).
g) To synthetize the results across different research tasks and translate them into concrete recommendations to strengthen active citizenship, increase mutual trust between demographic groups and build confidence in public institutions and business and industry (WP7).
h) To engage stakeholders throughout the project to secure uptake and sustainability of the practical outcomes of the project (WP9)

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