Language pedagogy developmental project: An innovative language pedagogy map and compass (IKI)

Main funder

Funder's project numberOKM/87/592/2018

Funds granted by main funder (€)

  • 469 200,00

Funding program

Project timetable

Project start date01/08/2018

Project end date31/08/2021


The central idea of this project is to develop the continuity of language learning and language use in Finnish education (Varhaiskasvatus 2016 & Perusopetus 2014). The new curricula for early years and comprehensive education create the space for the innovative development of language pedagogies across the curriculum and a significant number of educational authorities have introduced language learning in the initial years of comprehensive education (e.g. Vantaa, Espoo) as well as language showers in early years education (e.g. Jyväskylä). Although small-scale initiatives have been undertaken to develop and integrate innovative language pedagogies (e.g. Moate, 2017) as yet the continuum between early years initiatives and formal language learning has not been developed within the Finnish context. The aim of this project is to support early and ongoing language learning and development in order to foster multilingualism across Finnish education through collaboration between early childhood education and school education with teacher educators and language researchers from early years education, class teacher education and language education.

Principal Investigator

Other persons related to this project (JYU)

Primary responsible unit

Follow-up groups

Profiling areaMultidisciplinary research on learning and teaching (University of Jyväskylä JYU) MultiLeTe

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Last updated on 2022-06-07 at 12:40