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Older entrepreneurs’ retirement goal clarity and anticipated exit strategies (2021)

Salminen, H., & von Bonsdorff, M. (2021). Older entrepreneurs’ retirement goal clarity and anticipated exit strategies. In EURAM 2021 : Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world. European Academy of Management. EURAM conference.

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Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajatSalminen, Hanna; von Bonsdorff, Monika

EmojulkaisuEURAM 2021 : Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world

Konferenssin paikka ja aikaOnline (Montreal, Canada)16.-18.6.2021


Lehti tai sarjaEURAM conference



KustantajaEuropean Academy of Management


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Studies on older entrepreneurs have mainly paid attention to starting an entrepreneurial career at old age and less is known about the retirement and exit process of older entrepreneurs. Drawing on the retirement and exit theories, this study examines older entrepreneurs’ retirement goal clarity and exit strategies. The quantitative survey data has been collected among retiring Finnish small-business owners from different sectors (N = 198). The data was analyzed by using cross tabulations, mean comparisons as well as correlation and regression analyses. The results demonstrate that general satisfaction and feelings of gains in retirement were positively associated with older entrepreneurs’ retirement goal clarity. Interestingly, age was negative related to retirement goal clarity. Approximately half of the respondents were planning to sale their company, more than one third were planning family succession and every tenth closing their company. Family business and number of employees were related to the anticipated exit strategies, but no statistically significant association was found between retirement goal clarity and exit strategies.

YSO-asiasanatyrittäjätyrittäjyysikääntymineneläkeikäeläkkeelle siirtymineneläkkeetyrittäjäeläkkeettyöeläkkeetyrityksetpienyrityksettavoitteetstrategiat

Vapaat asiasanatentrepreneurs; retirement goal clarity; exit strategy; small-business; Finland

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