A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
The Association Between Epigenetic Clocks and Physical Functioning in Older Women : A 3-Year Follow-up (2022)
Föhr, T., Törmäkangas, T., Lankila, H., Viljanen, A., Rantanen, T., Ollikainen, M., Kaprio, J., & Sillanpää, E. (2022). The Association Between Epigenetic Clocks and Physical Functioning in Older Women : A 3-Year Follow-up. Journals of Gerontology Series A : Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 77(8), 1569-1576. https://doi.org/10.1093/gerona/glab270
JYU-tekijät tai -toimittajat
Julkaisun tiedot
Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajat: Föhr, Tiina; Törmäkangas, Timo; Lankila, Hannamari; Viljanen, Anne; Rantanen, Taina; Ollikainen, Miina; Kaprio, Jaakko; Sillanpää, Elina
Lehti tai sarja: Journals of Gerontology Series A : Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
ISSN: 1079-5006
eISSN: 1758-535X
Julkaisuvuosi: 2022
Ilmestymispäivä: 20.09.2021
Volyymi: 77
Lehden numero: 8
Artikkelin sivunumerot: 1569-1576
Kustantaja: Oxford University Press
Julkaisumaa: Britannia
Julkaisun kieli: englanti
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/gerona/glab270
Julkaisun avoin saatavuus: Avoimesti saatavilla
Julkaisukanavan avoin saatavuus: Osittain avoin julkaisukanava
Julkaisu on rinnakkaistallennettu (JYX): https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/82771
Epigenetic clocks are composite markers developed to predict chronological age or mortality risk from DNA methylation (DNAm) data. The present study investigated the associations between four epigenetic clocks (Horvath’s and Hannum’s DNAmAge and DNAm GrimAge and PhenoAge) and physical functioning during a three-year follow-up.
We studied 63–76-year-old women (n = 413) from the Finnish Twin Study on Aging. DNAm was measured from blood samples at baseline. Age acceleration (AgeAccel) i.e. discrepancy between chronological age and DNAm age was determined as residuals from linear model. Physical functioning was assessed under standardized laboratory conditions at baseline and at follow-up. A cross-sectional analysis was performed with path models, and a longitudinal analysis was conducted with repeated measures linear models. A nonrandom missing data analysis was performed.
In comparison to the other clocks, GrimAgeAccel was more strongly associated with physical functioning. At baseline, GrimAgeAccel was associated with lower performance in the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test and the six-minute walk test. At follow-up, significant associations were observed between GrimAgeAccel and lowered performance in the TUG, six-minute and 10-meter walk tests, and knee extension and ankle plantar flexion strength tests.
The DNAm GrimAge, a novel estimate of biological aging, associated with decline in physical functioning over the three-year follow-up in older women. However, associations between chronological age and physical function phenotypes followed similar pattern. Current epigenetic clocks do not provide strong benefits in predicting the decline of physical functioning at least during a rather short follow-up period and restricted age-range.
YSO-asiasanat: ikääntyminen; epigenetiikka; DNA-metylaatio; fyysinen toimintakyky
Vapaat asiasanat: epigenetic clock; biological aging
Liittyvät organisaatiot
OKM-raportointi: Kyllä
VIRTA-lähetysvuosi: 2022
JUFO-taso: 3