A1 Journal article (refereed)
Promoting Technological Thinking: The Objective and the Means (2021)

Pirhonen, A. (2021). Promoting Technological Thinking: The Objective and the Means. Techne Series, 28(2), 48-53. https://journals.oslomet.no/index.php/techneA/article/view/4326

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsPirhonen, Antti

Journal or seriesTechne Series


Publication year2021


Issue number2

Pages range48-53

PublisherUniversitetsbiblioteket OsloMet

Publication countryNorway

Publication languageEnglish

Persistent website addresshttps://journals.oslomet.no/index.php/techneA/article/view/4326

Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessOpen Access channel

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/78047

Additional informationPATT38 Rauma, Finland 2021 -Section IIThe Value of Technology Education.


Technological thinking is not a discrete form of thinking. Whether we talk about the use or the development of technology, technological thinking intersects with logic, creativity and many other human qualities. The bare definition of technological thinking is an ambiguous task, not to speak of the wide variety of attempts to promote it in education. In this paper, we do not aim at saying the final word about the appropriate means of promoting technological thinking. In the contrary, our aim is to analyse some ideas which are commonly proposed as such means but which can be argued to conflict with contemporary understanding of human thought. Our approach draws on the phenomenology of the body. The focal claim is that human action is thinking rather than reflection of it. This claim underlines the importance of physical activity as the fundamental characteristics of human existence. In the promotion of technological thinking, this implies that there is no technological thinking without physical experiences on which concepts, problem solving and design could be based. In the educational context, providing an environment for rich interaction with physical objects would be essential. In the era of digitalisation, schools appear to be eager in substituting real learning environments and technology with their virtual counterparts. From the point-of-view of embodied cognition, this trend can be seen as a severe threat to the development of many abilities which are central in technological thinking.

Keywordsthinkingcognitiontechnologylearning environmentlearningcreativityproblem solvingtechnology education

Free keywordsembodied cognition; technological thinking; education; extended mind; cognitivism; identity

Contributing organizations

Ministry reportingYes

Reporting Year2021

JUFO rating1

Last updated on 2024-22-04 at 11:14