A4 Article in conference proceedings
Assessment of Cybersecurity Risks: Maritime Automated Piloting Process (2022)

Pöyhönen, J., & Lehto, M. (2022). Assessment of Cybersecurity Risks: Maritime Automated Piloting Process. In R. P. Griffin, U. Tatarand, & B. Yankson (Eds.), ICCWS 2022 : Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (17, pp. 262-271). Academic Conferences International Ltd. The proceedings of the 17th international conference on cyber warfare and security. https://doi.org/10.34190/iccws.17.1.18

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsPöyhönen, Jouni; Lehto, Martti

Parent publicationICCWS 2022 : Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security

Parent publication editorsGriffin, Robert P.; Tatarand, Unal; Yankson, Benjamin


  • International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security

Place and date of conferenceAlbany, New York, USA17.-18.3.2022


Journal or seriesThe proceedings of the 17th international conference on cyber warfare and security



Publication year2022


Issue number1

Pages range262-271

Number of pages in the book645

PublisherAcademic Conferences International Ltd

Place of PublicationReading

Publication countryUnited Kingdom

Publication languageEnglish


Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessOpen Access channel

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/80195


A modern society is a combination of several critical infrastructures, of which international and national maritime transportation systems are essential parts. Digitalization makes it possible to increase levels of autonomy in maritime systems. It also means fully existing cyberenvironments in maritime processes. In cyberenvironments, it is crucial there is trustable information communication between system elements of the process, alongside the usability, reliability, and integrity of systems data in the operating environment. In order to develop maritime autonomy in Finland the Sea4Value / Fairway (S4VF) research program has been developed. At the first stage of the program, the main goal is to create automated fairway piloting feature in the near future. An automated remote piloting process, “ePilotage,” will be a complex system of systems entity. This paper provides a research approach to investigating the cybersecurity risks at the system levels of process. It emphasizes the importation of comprehensive risk assessment to increase the cybersecurity of fairway operations. The findings of the study are located in cybersecurity risks in critical information flows between the main system blocks of the fairway process. The research question is “How can the cybersecurity risks of automated remote fairway operations be evaluated?” The main findings are related to the probabilities of the risks in all levels of process stakeholders’ responsibilities. Risk assessment methodology, that has been described, is based on attack probabilities against probabilities to defend actions of adversarial in use of communication technologies. Risks assessment factors have been identified and the risk assessment tool have been proposed.

Keywordscyber securitymarine trafficmaritime navigationdigitalisationpilotage (shipping)automatic controlrisk assessmentinfrastructures

Free keywordsmaritime digitalization; automated piloting; cybersecurity; risks assessment; probability

Contributing organizations

Ministry reportingYes

VIRTA submission year2022

JUFO rating1

Last updated on 2024-12-10 at 12:30