A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
De-naturalizing the “predatory” : A study of “bogus” publications at public sector universities in Pakistan (2024)
Ali Shah, W., Ali, R., & Lashari, A. (2024). De-naturalizing the “predatory” : A study of “bogus” publications at public sector universities in Pakistan. Accountability in Research, 31(2), 80-99. https://doi.org/10.1080/08989621.2022.2106424
JYU-tekijät tai -toimittajat
Julkaisun tiedot
Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajat: Ali Shah, Waqar; Ali, Rukhsana; Lashari, Asadullah
Lehti tai sarja: Accountability in Research
ISSN: 0898-9621
eISSN: 1545-5815
Julkaisuvuosi: 2024
Ilmestymispäivä: 01.08.2022
Volyymi: 31
Lehden numero: 2
Artikkelin sivunumerot: 80-99
Kustantaja: Informa UK Limited
Julkaisumaa: Britannia
Julkaisun kieli: englanti
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/08989621.2022.2106424
Julkaisun avoin saatavuus: Avoimesti saatavilla
Julkaisukanavan avoin saatavuus: Osittain avoin julkaisukanava
Julkaisu on rinnakkaistallennettu (JYX): https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/82672
Predatory publishing has recently emerged as a menace in academia. University professors and researchers often exploit this practice for their economic gains and institutional prestige. The present study investigates such existing predatory publishing practices in Pakistani public sector universities using Bourdieu’s (1991) concept of symbolic violence. For this purpose, we analyzed 495 articles published by 50 university professors in the social sciences and humanities over the period 2017-2021. We also conducted semi-structured interviews with 20 postgraduate students to gather their perspectives on publishing practices. The study shows that 69% of the sample papers were published in predatory journals, as identified in Pakistan’s Higher Education Commission’s (HEC) online journal recognition system (HJRS). Postgraduate students’ insights inform the study that the students misrecognize these malpractices in academia as a problem what Bourdieu (1991) calls ‘symbolic violence’. Consequently, they engage in the process to increase their publications. Such publications enable both the university professors and the students to achieve the desired benefit, such as promotions, tenure, and academic degrees. We recommend that this practice must be altered at the policy level since it not only violates the HEC’s standards for quality research but also damages the researchers’ credibility and country’s scientific reputation.
YSO-asiasanat: tutkimusetiikka; tieteellinen julkaisutoiminta; julkaisut; tiedelehdet; yliopistot; tutkijat; rahoittajat; laatu; maine; tiedeyhteisöt
Vapaat asiasanat: Pakistan
Liittyvät organisaatiot
OKM-raportointi: Kyllä
VIRTA-lähetysvuosi: 2022
JUFO-taso: 1