A1 Journal article (refereed)
Flying-Related Concerns among Airline Customers in Finland and Sweden during COVID-19 (2022)
Leppävuori, J., Liimatainen, H., & Baumeister, S. (2022). Flying-Related Concerns among Airline Customers in Finland and Sweden during COVID-19. Sustainability, 14(17), Article 10768. https://doi.org/10.3390/su141710768
JYU authors or editors
Publication details
All authors or editors: Leppävuori, Joonas; Liimatainen, Heikki; Baumeister, Stefan
Journal or series: Sustainability
eISSN: 2071-1050
Publication year: 2022
Publication date: 29/08/2022
Volume: 14
Issue number: 17
Article number: 10768
Publisher: MDPI AG
Publication country: Switzerland
Publication language: English
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su141710768
Publication open access: Openly available
Publication channel open access: Open Access channel
Publication is parallel published (JYX): https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/82885
COVID-19 hit the global economy hard in early 2020, and airline industry was among the biggest commercial victims. Governments closed borders, the virus scared off travelers and the aircraft stayed on the ground to a large extent. The forecasted record year turned out to be the worst in the history of aviation. This study focused on the concerns of airline customers and analyzed the differences between the customer behavior in two focus markets, Finland and Sweden. The article is based on a questionnaire and the answers of 2004 airline customers. The results show that even though the overall COVID-19 strategy was very different between the focus markets, the same concerns still arose. The main concerns were related to quarantines and convenience of traveling, but health was also a major worry. The impact on climate change and public opinion were among the least concerning factors for most. The Swedes were less concerned about the quarantine upon returning, which may not be surprising due to their more liberal COVID-19 strategy at the time. Other attributes that were analyzed (gender, airline loyalty tier, age) suggest that females are categorically more concerned than males, the travel-related annoyances affect all travelers regardless of the tier and that travelers from different age groups are concerned about different aspects of traveling during a pandemic. The data gathering for this research was carried out in collaboration with Finnair, Finland’s national carrier.
Keywords: COVID-19; pandemics; aviation sector; air travel; passengers; concern; quarantine; restrictions; health security; climate changes
Free keywords: airline customers; COVID-19 concerns; passenger concerns
Contributing organizations
Ministry reporting: Yes
VIRTA submission year: 2022
JUFO rating: 1