A4 Article in conference proceedings
Convolutional Neural Network Based Sleep Stage Classification with Class Imbalance (2022)
Xu, Q., Zhou, D., Wang, J., Shen, J., Kettunen, L., & Cong, F. (2022). Convolutional Neural Network Based Sleep Stage Classification with Class Imbalance. In IJCNN 2022 : Proceedings of the 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. IEEE. Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. https://doi.org/10.1109/ijcnn55064.2022.9892741
JYU authors or editors
Publication details
All authors or editors: Xu, Qi; Zhou, Dongdong; Wang, Jian; Shen, Jiangrong; Kettunen, Lauri; Cong, Fengyu
Parent publication: IJCNN 2022 : Proceedings of the 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Place and date of conference: Padua, Italy, 18.-23.7.2022
eISBN: 978-1-7281-8671-9
Journal or series: Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
ISSN: 2161-4393
eISSN: 2161-4407
Publication year: 2022
Publication date: 18/07/2022
Publisher: IEEE
Publication country: United States
Publication language: English
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/ijcnn55064.2022.9892741
Publication open access: Not open
Publication channel open access:
Publication is parallel published (JYX): https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/85542
Accurate sleep stage classification is vital to assess sleep quality and diagnose sleep disorders. Numerous deep learning based models have been designed for accomplishing this labor automatically. However, the class imbalance problem existing in polysomnography (PSG) datasets has been barely investigated in previous studies, which is one of the most challenging obstacles for the real-world sleep staging application. To address this issue, this paper proposes novel methods with signal-driven and image-driven ways of noise addition to balance the imbalanced relationship in the training dataset samples. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methods which are integrated into a convolutional neural network (CNN) based model. Experimental results evaluated on Sleep-EDF-V1, Sleep-EDF and CCSHS databases demonstrate that the proposed balancing approaches with specific tensity Gaussian white noise could enhance the overall or stage N1 recognition to some degree, especially the combination of two types of Data augmentation (DA) strategies shows the superiority of overall accuracy improvement.
Keywords: sleep; sleep disorders; modelling (representation); neural networks (information technology); deep learning; databases; classification
Free keywords: training; deep learning; databases; neural networks; white noise; convolutional neural networks; sleep stage classification; class imbalance problem; data augmentation; time-frequency image
Contributing organizations
Ministry reporting: Yes
VIRTA submission year: 2022
JUFO rating: 1