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Managing seniority in academia : three perspectives (2022)

Pekkola, E., Siekkinen, T., Salminen, H., & Kujala, E.-N. (2022). Managing seniority in academia : three perspectives. In C. S. Sarrico, M. J. Rosa, & T. Carvalho (Eds.), Research Handbook on Academic Careers and Managing Academics (pp. 375-389). Edward Elgar. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781839102639.00039

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Julkaisun tiedot

Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajatPekkola, Elias; Siekkinen, Taru; Salminen, Hanna; Kujala, Emmi-Niina

EmojulkaisuResearch Handbook on Academic Careers and Managing Academics

Emojulkaisun toimittajatSarrico, Cláudia S.; Rosa, Maria J.; Carvalho, Teresa





Artikkelin sivunumerot375-389

Kirjan kokonaissivumäärä449

KustantajaEdward Elgar



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Julkaisun avoin saatavuusEi avoin

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Julkaisu on rinnakkaistallennettu (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/85247


Managing seniority is a rising but still an understudied theme in universities' Human Resource Management (HRM). In many European universities, the academic staff is ageing. In this chapter, we discuss the nature of seniority and consider it from three different perspectives that are interrelated in academic careers: the age, level of competence and hierarchy. At the individual level, these dimensions are overlapped in concrete and thus they are challenging to define and examine. All three dimensions are significant with respect to organizational HRM in universities, and they are connected with many ways to the traditions and practices of the academic work and careers in academia in general.

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