A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
Dynaaminen käyttöpohjainen lähestymistapa kielenoppimisen tutkimukseen (2022)
Dynamic usage-based approach on language learning research
Lesonen, S. (2022). Dynaaminen käyttöpohjainen lähestymistapa kielenoppimisen tutkimukseen. In T. Seppälä, S. Lesonen, P. Iikkanen, & S. D'hondt (Eds.), Kieli, muutos ja yhteiskunta (pp. 170-191). Suomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistys AFinLA. AFinLA:n vuosikirja, 2022. https://doi.org/10.30661/afinlavk.114542
JYU authors or editors
Publication details
All authors or editors: Lesonen, Sirkku
Parent publication: Kieli, muutos ja yhteiskunta
Parent publication editors: Seppälä, Tanja; Lesonen, Sirkku; Iikkanen, Päivi; D'hondt, Sigurd
eISBN: 978-951-9388-74-8
Journal or series: AFinLA:n vuosikirja
eISSN: 2343-2608
Publication year: 2022
Publication date: 02/12/2022
Number in series: 2022
Pages range: 170-191
Number of pages in the book: 433
Publisher: Suomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistys AFinLA
Place of Publication: Jyväskylä
Publication country: Finland
Publication language: Finnish
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30661/afinlavk.114542
Persistent website address: https://journal.fi/afinlavk/article/view/114542
Publication open access: Openly available
Publication channel open access: Open Access channel
Publication is parallel published (JYX): https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/84486
Additional information: Suomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistyksen julkaisuja ; 79, ISSN 0781-0318
The paper presents a relatively new theoretical framework in the field of applied linguistics, more specifically, in the context of second language acquisition. Dynamic usage-based approach is a combination of complex dynamic systems theory and usage-based approaches, and it sees language development as an individual, dynamic process. In this view, L2 constructions are seen to emerge non-linearly when an L2 learner uses the L2 for the purposes of interaction. This paper focuses on some key aspects of the development of L2 learners’ repertoire, namely individual learning trajectories, non-linear development, variability, and dynamics of L2 constructions.
Keywords: Finnish as a second language; language learning; use of language; construction grammar; dynamical systems; applied linguistics
Free keywords: käyttöpohjainen kielenoppiminen; konstruktio
Contributing organizations
Ministry reporting: Yes
VIRTA submission year: 2022
JUFO rating: 1
Parent publication with JYU authors: