A4 Article in conference proceedings
Mi az eredeti? : A nyelvváltás mint fordítási probléma Terézia Mora Das Ungeheuer című regényében (2022)
Which original? : Switching languages as a translation issue in Terézia Mora’s novel Das Ungeheuer (The Monster)

Nádori, L. (2022). Mi az eredeti? : A nyelvváltás mint fordítási probléma Terézia Mora Das Ungeheuer című regényében. In B. Sándor, & D. István (Eds.), Folytonosság és megszakítottság a magyar kultúrában : a doktoriskolák VI. nemzetközi magyarságtudományi konferenciája (pp. 97-110). International Association for Hungarian Studies. http://real.mtak.hu/144164/1/Folytonossag_ebook_only.pdf

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsNádori, Lídia

Parent publicationFolytonosság és megszakítottság a magyar kultúrában : a doktoriskolák VI. nemzetközi magyarságtudományi konferenciája

Parent publication editorsSándor, Bene; István, Dobos


  • Doktoriskolák Nemzetközi Magyarságtudományi Konferenciája

Place and date of conferenceVienna, Austria5.-6.9.2019


Publication year2022

Pages range97-110

Number of pages in the book664

PublisherInternational Association for Hungarian Studies

Place of PublicationBudapest

Publication countryHungary

Publication languageHungarian

Persistent website addresshttp://real.mtak.hu/144164/1/Folytonossag_ebook_only.pdf

Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessOpen Access channel

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/85274


The following study is part of my research work on self-reflection in literary translation. Using this case study, I intend to present the aspects and dilemmas faced by literary translators attempting to gauge the success of their work. My baseline questions were: Is the success or failure of a translation solution always determinable? What external and internal expectations must be observed, and to what extent? Where does the process of self-examination start, and when (if ever) can it be considered over? To investigate these questions I chose a special, perhaps even extreme case; namely an element of Terézia Mora’s novel Das Ungeheuer / The Monster which the author had originally written in Hungarian, and then translated into German. The translation issue lies in the fact the translator must first decide which text to view as the original, considering how its earliest version was written in the target language of translation. This condition led to a chain of decisions, ending up in an outcome which may be evaluated by different aspects in terms of successful cultural transfer, to different conclusions. My aim is not to evaluate the produced translation, but to present and analyze the process of translation and subsequent self-reflection. Because the translation in question is my own work, this provided an opportunity to apply introspection in research. An unconventional situation arose from the author’s language competence, whereby she could assess the quality of the translation, and thus participate in the process of editing and evaluation alongside the translator and publisher (editor). Besides the original text and the translation, I also investigated my own written self-reflections, the translator-editor commentary accumulating during the correction process, dialogues with the author, and the author’s follow-up comments on the translation. I’ve showcased how, by including these paratexts, assessing the success of cultural transfer is deepened and modified in the translator’s self-reflection.

Keywordstranslatingfiction and poetryGerman languageHungarian languagetranslatorsself-reflection

Contributing organizations

Ministry reportingYes

VIRTA submission year2022

JUFO rating0

Last updated on 2024-15-06 at 22:06