A1 Journal article (refereed)
STAT5b is a key effector of NRG-1/ERBB4-mediated myocardial growth (2023)

Vaparanta, K., Jokilammi, A., Paatero, I., Merilahti, J. A., Heliste, J., Hemanthakumar, K. A., Kivelä, R., Alitalo, K., Taimen, P., & Elenius, K. (2023). STAT5b is a key effector of NRG-1/ERBB4-mediated myocardial growth. Embo reports, 24(5), Article e56689. https://doi.org/10.15252/embr.202256689

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsVaparanta, Katri; Jokilammi, Anne; Paatero, Ilkka; Merilahti, Johannes A.; Heliste, Juho; Hemanthakumar, Karthik Amudhala; Kivelä, Riikka; Alitalo, Kari; Taimen, Pekka; Elenius, Klaus

Journal or seriesEmbo reports



Publication year2023

Publication date03/04/2023


Issue number5

Article numbere56689


Publication countryGermany

Publication languageEnglish


Research data linkhttps://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/cgi/GetDataset?ID=PXD040166

Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessPartially open access channel

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/88066

Web address of parallel published publication (pre-print)https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.10.05.510958v1

Additional informationThe Mass spectrometry derived interactome data: ProteomeXchange Consortium (Deutsch et al, 2023) via the PRIDE (Perez-Riverol et al, 2022) partner repository PXD040166 (https://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/cgi/GetDataset?ID=PXD040166) (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/archive/projects/PXD040166).


The growth factor Neuregulin-1 (NRG-1) regulates myocardial growth and is currently under clinical investigation as a treatment for heart failure. Here, we demonstrate in several in vitro and in vivo models that STAT5b mediates NRG-1/EBBB4-stimulated cardiomyocyte growth. Genetic and chemical disruption of the NRG-1/ERBB4 pathway reduces STAT5b activation and transcription of STAT5b target genes Igf1, Myc, and Cdkn1a in murine cardiomyocytes. Loss of Stat5b also ablates NRG-1-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. Dynamin-2 is shown to control the cell surface localization of ERBB4 and chemical inhibition of Dynamin-2 downregulates STAT5b activation and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. In zebrafish embryos, Stat5 is activated during NRG-1-induced hyperplastic myocardial growth, and chemical inhibition of the Nrg-1/Erbb4 pathway or Dynamin-2 leads to loss of myocardial growth and Stat5 activation. Moreover, CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockdown of stat5b results in reduced myocardial growth and cardiac function. Finally, the NRG-1/ERBB4/STAT5b signaling pathway is differentially regulated at mRNA and protein levels in the myocardium of patients with pathological cardiac hypertrophy as compared to control human subjects, consistent with a role of the NRG-1/ERBB4/STAT5b pathway in myocardial growth.

Keywordsheartcardiac muscle cellsgrowth factorsgenescell physiologycardiomyopathieshypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Free keywordscardiomyocyte hyperplasia; cardiomyocyte hypertrophy; dynamin; NRG-1–ErbB pathway; signal transducer; activator of transcription

Contributing organizations

Ministry reportingYes

VIRTA submission year2023

JUFO rating3

Last updated on 2025-06-03 at 00:05