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The complexity of student-led research : from terminology to practice in a case study of three countries (2024)

Khanolainen, D., Cooper, V., Messer, D., & Revyakina, E. (2024). The complexity of student-led research : from terminology to practice in a case study of three countries. Oxford Review of Education, 50(1), 78-94. https://doi.org/10.1080/03054985.2023.2203375

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Julkaisun tiedot

Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajatKhanolainen, Daria; Cooper, Victoria; Messer, David; Revyakina, Elena

Lehti tai sarjaOxford Review of Education






Lehden numero1

Artikkelin sivunumerot78-94



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Julkaisu on rinnakkaistallennettu (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/87741


Preparing young people to meet emerging contemporary challenges has become a global imperative. Over two decades, there has been a call for students’ active participation in the life of school and society, and an important feature of this call is student-led research (SLR). However, this pedagogical and empowering call with many potential benefits is not unproblematic. There are far-reaching differences between various conceptions and use of student-led research in secondary schools both within and between different countries, reflecting a contrast between skill development and voice. This contrast, however, has not been previously scrutinised and discussed. We review student-led research in England, Ireland, and Russia showing that its development has been initiated and carried out in different countries with very different goals and focuses. Our study is in the form of a case study of the three countries covering a wide range of discussions related to SLR. By looking critically at how SLR is conceived and supported in various contexts, we evaluate facilitators and barriers, which ultimately offers a better understanding of how ideologies and political decisions influence students and teachers, and how educational policies and educational values are transferred into practice.

YSO-asiasanatosallistava tutkimuslapset (ikäryhmät)opiskelijattutkimustyöosallistaminenlasten oikeudetkoulutuspolitiikkakansainvälinen vertailutapaustutkimus

Vapaat asiasanatEnglanti; Irlanti; Venäjä

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-25-03 klo 09:09