A1 Journal article (refereed)
Språkuppfattningar och röster i österbottniska flerspråkiga elevers stiliserade tal (2023)
Language beliefs and voices in stylized speech of Ostrobothnian multilingual pupils

Nyman-Koskinen, P. (2023). Språkuppfattningar och röster i österbottniska flerspråkiga elevers stiliserade tal. Folkmalsstudier, 61, 37-64. https://doi.org/10.55293/fms.122005

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsNyman-Koskinen, Paulina

Journal or seriesFolkmalsstudier


Publication year2023

Publication date05/09/2023


Pages range37-64

PublisherFöreningen för nordisk filologi

Publication countryFinland

Publication languageSwedish


Publication open accessNot open

Publication channel open accessDelayed open access channel

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/92690

Additional informationArtikkeli avautuu journal.fi-palvelussa vuoden kuluttua julkaisemisesta.


This qualitative study investigates stylized speech performed by multilingual pupils who use a Finland-Swedish dialect, Finnish, and standard Swedish as linguistic resources. Moreover, the aim is, by using methods from interactional sociolinguistics, to identify linguistic and paralinguistic features of their stylized speech and what kind of explicit and implicit language beliefs and voices they convey. The analysis shows that the pupils stylize the standard Swedish language as well as the Finnish language in different ways, but not their Finland-Swedish dialect. The stylizations reflect both explicitly and implicitly the pupils’ beliefs about the language policy in the classroom, as well as their attitudes towards their language resources and their experiences with them. Moreover, the stylizations reflect beliefs about a shared language register. The voices identified in connection with the stylizations are polyphonic: partly, the pupils’ voice is heard, and partly the pupils impact each other’s voices. A voice of authority is identified as is the voice of someone not belonging to the same language group. The stylizations, language beliefs, and voices are linked to the pupils’ personal experiences, the norms and expectations that apply in the interaction, and the explicit and implicit discourses about their language resources.

Keywordspupilsmultilingualismuse of languagecolloquial languageFinland SwedishdialectsFinnish languageSwedish languagelinguistic interactionsociolinguisticslanguage policynexus analysis

Free keywordsstilisering; röster; språkuppfattningar; nexusanalys; flerspråkighet

Contributing organizations

Ministry reportingYes

Reporting Year2023

JUFO rating2

Last updated on 2024-02-07 at 23:26