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Health Promoting Sports Federations : theoretical foundations and guidelines (2023)

Van Hoye, A., Geidne, S., Vuillemin, A., Dowd, K., Glibo, I., Heck, S., Ibsen, B., Johnson, S., Kingsland, M., Kokko, S., Lane, A., Ooms, L., Overbye, M., Woods, C., Zeimers, G., Whiting, S., & Winand, M. (2023). Health Promoting Sports Federations : theoretical foundations and guidelines. European Journal of Public Health, 33(Supplement_1), i16. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckad133.039

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Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajatVan Hoye, Aurélie; Geidne, Susanna; Vuillemin, Anne; Dowd, Kieran; Glibo, Iva; Heck, Sandra; Ibsen, Bjarne; Johnson, Stacey; Kingsland, Melanie; Kokko, Sami; et al.

Konferenssin paikka ja aikaLeuven, Belgium11.-13.9.2023

Lehti tai sarjaEuropean Journal of Public Health






Lehden numeroSupplement_1

Artikkelin sivunumeroti16

KustantajaOxford University Press (OUP)


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Julkaisun avoin saatavuusAvoimesti saatavilla

Julkaisukanavan avoin saatavuusKokonaan avoin julkaisukanava

Julkaisu on rinnakkaistallennettu (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/89073

Lisätietoja2023 HEPA Europe Conference : Implementing Health-Enhancing Physical Activity Research : From Science to Policy and Practice


The potential for organised sports to promote health has been underexploited so far, according to researchers and policy-makers. Sports clubs have limited capacity to promote health due to their voluntary nature and have called for support from their national sports federations. The present article provides guidelines based on health promoting sports clubs theoretical foundations, and an analysis of practical tools and proven strategies to support national sports federations’ investment in health promotion (HP).

A qualitative iterative study was undertaken, based on five two-hour meetings of a group of 15 international researchers in health promotion in sports clubs. Notes and minutes from meetings, as well as shared outputs were analyzed based on the health promoting sports club framework.

Guidelines for national sports federations to promote health includes a definition of a health promoting sports federation, a description of the settings-based approach stages adapted to national sports federations, as well as practical applications of the health promoting sports club’s intervention strategies. The analysis of existing tools demonstrated that most tools are centered on a single dimension of health (social, mental, physical, spiritual or community), and often on a specific health topic. Furthermore, they do not cover HP as a continuous process or support of sports clubs’ members health, but are generally short-term programs. The HPSF clarifies theoretical concepts, their practical implementation via case studies and outlines intervention components and tools useful for sports federations in their implementation of HP.

The guidelines are meant to facilitate national sports federations to acknowledge, reinforce and foster their further investment in HP.

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