A1 Journal article (refereed)
”Mä kaipaan takas sun luo, sinne missä mun hyvä on” : taiteenlajiin kohdistuva rakkaus rap-artisti Cheekin musiikkivideoissa (2023)
“I Miss Back to You, Where I’m All Good” : themes of Art-focused Love in Cheek’s Rap Music Videos
Pakarinen, A. (2023). ”Mä kaipaan takas sun luo, sinne missä mun hyvä on” : taiteenlajiin kohdistuva rakkaus rap-artisti Cheekin musiikkivideoissa. Lähikuva, 36(2), 26-42. https://doi.org/10.23994/lk.136793
JYU authors or editors
Publication details
All authors or editors: Pakarinen, Anna
Journal or series: Lähikuva
eISSN: 2343-399X
Publication year: 2023
Publication date: 17/09/2023
Volume: 36
Issue number: 2
Pages range: 26-42
Publisher: Lähikuva-yhdistys
Publication country: Finland
Publication language: Finnish
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23994/lk.136793
Publication open access: Openly available
Publication channel open access: Open Access channel
Publication is parallel published (JYX): https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/89216
Additional information: Vertaisarvioidut artikkelit
In this article, I explore themes of art-focused love in rap artist Cheek’s music videos. Cheek’s music has been one of the most famous phenomena in Finnish popular culture during the recent decade. I base my examination on the poetic and visual analysis of music videos, following an art philosophic orientation. According to the principles of hip hop studies, I also contextualize my analysis with dialogic theme interview material I have co-produced with Jare Tiihonen, i.e. Cheek. I examine themes of art-focused love in three music videos: “Äärirajoille” (2014), “Sä huudat” (2015) and “Enkelit” (2017). I explore what kinds of poetic and visual features music videos adopt and what kinds of meanings these construct within the theme of art-focused love. In addition, I aim to open new perspectives on characteristic affects related to making art and being an artist in Cheek’s artistic production. I show that art-focused love is an important and fundamentally ambivalent theme in Cheek’s music videos. The multilayered poetics of these music videos represent diverse affects, which are characteristic to making art and being an artist. As depicted in theories of art philosophy, the experience of affects and their subsequent reflection play a fundamental role in Cheek’s rap music videos. Art-focused love is explored in relation to the artist’s dual role, giving rise to interpretations that encompass both positive and negative affects. This paradoxical ethos is emphasized by sublime expression and continuous movement between different kinds of contextual frames. Despite this ambivalence, love focused on the art of rap appears fundamental to experiencing the significance of life, which is also related to promoting resilience.
Keywords: rap music; rappers; musicianship; artistic identity; creative activity; expression (communication); emotions; love; resilience; music videos; aesthetics; poetics
Free keywords: Cheek
Contributing organizations
Ministry reporting: Yes
VIRTA submission year: 2023
JUFO rating: 2