A1 Journal article (refereed)
Work Experience Placements in Lower Secondary Education in Nordic Countries (2023)

Kettunen, J., Skovhus, R., Røise, P., Rosvall, P.-A., Einarsdóttir, A., & Eshaghbeigi-Hosseini, M. (2023). Work Experience Placements in Lower Secondary Education in Nordic Countries. Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance, 4(1), 29-42. https://doi.org/10.16993/njtcg.60

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsKettunen, Jaana; Skovhus, Randi; Røise, Petra; Rosvall, Per-Åke; Einarsdóttir, Arnheiður; Eshaghbeigi-Hosseini, Mahtab

Journal or seriesNordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance


Publication year2023

Publication date12/10/2023


Issue number1

Pages range29-42

PublisherStockholm University Press

Publication countrySweden

Publication languageEnglishFinnish


Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessOpen Access channel

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/90011


The purpose of this article is to describe and analyse work experience placements in lower secondary education in Nordic countries. The article focuses on how and to what extent work experience placements in career education is formalised across the Nordic countries. It identifies similarities and differences among the countries and will provide a comparison of the key characteristics relating to work experience placement in lower secondary education in Nordic countries. The analysis is based on policy documents, curriculum and research concerning work experience placements in lower secondary schools in the respective countries. The comparison reveals that while there are some similarities there are also significant differences among the countries regarding the national guidelines, curriculum and general aim of the work experience placement in lower secondary education. The results show that further studies are needed to acquire more knowledge relating to work experience placements in Nordic countries.

Keywordsintroduction to working lifeeducational counsellingpupil counsellingprimary and lower secondary educationdirection (instruction and guidance)study counsellors

Free keywordswork experience placement; lower secondary education; Nordic

Contributing organizations

Ministry reportingYes

Reporting Year2023

JUFO rating1

Last updated on 2024-15-05 at 13:23