A1 Journal article (refereed)
”Ystävät on hetkellisiä, mutta levelit ikuisia” : pelaamisen representoituminen ja merkityksellistäminen Aleksi Delikouraksen Nörtti-kirjasarjassa ja Annukka Salaman romaanissa Ripley: Nopea yhteys (2023)
“Friends are temporary, but levels are forever” : meanings and representations of gaming in Aleksi Delikouras’ Nörtti book series and Annukka Salama’s YA novel Ripley: Nopea yhteys
Marttinen, H. (2023). ”Ystävät on hetkellisiä, mutta levelit ikuisia” : pelaamisen representoituminen ja merkityksellistäminen Aleksi Delikouraksen Nörtti-kirjasarjassa ja Annukka Salaman romaanissa Ripley: Nopea yhteys. Nuorisotutkimus, 41(3), 29-43. https://doi.org/10.57049/nuorisotutkimus.9138188(external link)
JYU authors or editors
Publication details
All authors or editors: Marttinen, Heta
Journal or series: Nuorisotutkimus
ISSN: 0780-0886
eISSN: 2814-9467
Publication year: 2023
Publication date: 26/10/2023
Volume: 41
Issue number: 3
Pages range: 29-43
Publisher: Nuorisotutkimusseura
Publication country: Finland
Publication language: Finnish
DOI: https://doi.org/10.57049/nuorisotutkimus.9138188(external link)
Persistent website address: https://journal.fi/nuorisotutkimus/article/view/138188(external link)
Publication open access: Openly available
Publication channel open access: Delayed open access channel
Publication is parallel published (JYX): https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/92574(external link)
Additional information: Artikkeli avautuu journal.fi-palvelussa vuoden kuluttua julkaisemisesta.
The article examines representations of gaming and game culture in Finnish young adult literature published in the 2010s and 2020s. The main corpus consists of selected parts of the Nörtti book series (“The Nerd”; 2012–2017) by Aleksi Delikouras, and Ripley: nopea yhteys (“Ripley: a fast connection”; 2022), a young adult novel by Annukka Salama. Through contextual and thematic close reading, the article aims to answer the following questions: 1) How are gamer and nerd identities defined in the novels? 2) What meanings and functions are associated with video games and gaming? 3) What opportunities does gaming offer to the characters in the novels? Additionally, the article analyzes representations of gaming and game worlds from the point of view of narrative theory. The novels portray gaming with varying degrees of significance, ranging from a meaningful and rewarding hobby to a goal-oriented and competitive activity. However, a common aspect among these novels is the emphasis on gaming and game culture as an integral part of the teenage characters’ identity. Although both Delikouras’ and Salama’s novels reproduce stereotypes associated with game and nerd culture, they also aim to update and diversify the image of a (stereo)typical gamer and/or nerd character. Moreover, the analysis shows that representations of game worlds play a crucial role in the narratives. These representations are significant not only at the level of the story, as they carry the plot forward but, more importantly, because they create story worlds that are familiar and therefore relatable to young readers, as they are representations of real-world phenomena.
Keywords: juvenile literaturedigital culture; ; game culture; representation (mental objects)
Contributing organizations
Related projects
- Social media and (new) technology in 2010's Finnish children's and young adult literature
- Marttinen, Heta
- Finnish Cultural Foundation
Ministry reporting: Yes
VIRTA submission year: 2023
Preliminary JUFO rating: 1