A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa
Adults’ Motivations in Participating in an Online Music Course (2023)

Välisalo, T., Myllykoski, M., & Ojala, A. (2023). Adults’ Motivations in Participating in an Online Music Course. In R. V. Brittin (Ed.), International Vistas of Music Education Research : Proceedings of the 29th International Seminar of the ISME Research Commission (pp. 184-192). International Society for Music Education. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TQS-c3Vxcap3OJr4y6iDKKCKHEpBgOuP/view?usp=sharing(external link)

JYU-tekijät tai -toimittajat

Julkaisun tiedot

Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajatVälisalo, Tanja; Myllykoski, Mikko; Ojala, Aleksi

EmojulkaisuInternational Vistas of Music Education Research : Proceedings of the 29th International Seminar of the ISME Research Commission

Emojulkaisun toimittajatBrittin, Ruth V.

Konferenssin paikka ja aikaBrisbane, Australia (virtual seminar)11.-15.7.2022




Artikkelin sivunumerot184-192

Kirjan kokonaissivumäärä229

KustantajaInternational Society for Music Education


Julkaisun kielienglanti

Pysyvä verkko-osoitehttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1TQS-c3Vxcap3OJr4y6iDKKCKHEpBgOuP/view?usp=sharing(external link)

Julkaisun avoin saatavuusAvoimesti saatavilla

Julkaisukanavan avoin saatavuusKokonaan avoin julkaisukanava


Online learning is an emerging field of interest in music education research. This study focuses on adult learners’ motivations in non-formal online music education. Motivation is approached through, firstly, motivational backgrounds, including earlier experiences, abilities, attitudes as well as contextual factors, such as life situation, and secondly, explicit motives as articulated by learners themselves. The research data consists of thematic interviews with 21 participants of online music courses offered by a commercial service provider. The data was analysed by coding using Atlas.ti software. All participants had previous experiences in online learning either through formal education or workplace training, which possibly increased their willingness to participate on an online music course. Based on the role of music education in the participants’ childhood and adolescence three typical musical pathways leading to the online music course emerged: (1) The first typical pathway was one without formal music education outside of school. The participants on this pathway might have enjoyed music in other ways, such as actively listening to music or attending dance classes. In adulthood they might have music hobbies such as choir or karaoke. (2) Those on the second pathway took private instrument lessons for a few years as a child. Some of them returned to their instrument as adults, either playing for fun or partaking in instrument lessons. (3) A third path included a lengthy education in a public music school in childhood and adolescence. For these participants, music education was a permanent part of their adulthood as well and they also participated in clearly more various forms of music education than participants in other groups. The participants' self-articulated motives for entering the online music course were diverse. Enjoyment that music learning brings was mentioned by all participants. All participants also mentioned particular learning outcomes they were aiming for. Participants also had motives beyond learning music, reaching to the social, meta cognitive and health benefits of music education.


Vapaat asiasanatonline music education; adult learners; motivation

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