A1 Journal article (refereed)
Teacher candidates' preparedness to address diverse situations that can threaten pupils’ well-being (2024)

Salo, A.-E., & Kajamies, A. (2024). Teacher candidates' preparedness to address diverse situations that can threaten pupils’ well-being. Teaching and Teacher Education, 140, Article 104470. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2024.104470

The research was funded by Strategic Research Council at the Research Council of Finland.

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsSalo, Anne-Elina; Kajamies, Anu

Journal or seriesTeaching and Teacher Education



Publication year2024

Publication date12/01/2024


Article number104470


Publication countryUnited Kingdom

Publication languageEnglish


Publication open accessNot open

Publication channel open access

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/93205


Amid uncertainty, teacher candidates (TCs) face increasingly complex situations when encountering pupils. However, TCs' perceived preparedness to address pupils' well-being threats remains scarcely mapped. We examined this among Finnish classroom TCs (N = 112) through a questionnaire comprising 15 situations. TCs felt least prepared addressing threat- and crisis-related anxiety and addictions, and most prepared observing peer collaboration difficulties and responding to bullying. Distance teaching weakened perceived preparedness, overall. To enhance the realization of children's right to support and TCs' well-being, we call for adopting an ecosystemic approach to well-being and placing emotional–interactional competencies at the core of teacher education.

Keywordsclass teachersteachersteacher trainingschool childrenschools (educational institutions)well-beingemotionssocial interactionthreatscrisesbecoming prepared

Free keywordsecosystemic approach to well-being; multidimensional well-being; diversity; emotional–interactional competencies; classroom teacher candidates; teacher education

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Ministry reportingYes

VIRTA submission year2024

Preliminary JUFO rating3

Last updated on 2024-03-07 at 20:46