D4 Published development or research report or study
A year after COVID-19 in three countries : the impact of the war in Ukraine and economic crisis on everyday life and wellbeing in Finland, Sweden, and the UK (2024)

Nuckols, J., Wilska, T.-A., & Sirola, A. (2024). A year after COVID-19 in three countries : the impact of the war in Ukraine and economic crisis on everyday life and wellbeing in Finland, Sweden, and the UK. Jyväskylän yliopisto. YFI julkaisuja, 19. https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-39-9939-1

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsNuckols, Julia; Wilska, Terhi-Anna; Sirola, Anu


Journal or seriesYFI julkaisuja


Publication year2024

Number in series19

Number of pages in the book1 verkkoaineisto (77 sivua, 25 numeroimatonta sivua)

PublisherJyväskylän yliopisto

Place of PublicationJyväskylä

Publication countryFinland

Publication languageEnglish

Persistent website addresshttps://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-39-9939-1

Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessOpen Access channel


This research report explores the perceived impact of current global crises—including the aftermath of COVID-19, the war in Ukraine, energy crisis, and inflation—on citizens aged 18 to 75 in Finland (n=1000), Sweden (n=1000), and the UK (n=1000). With data from June 2023, the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent global crises are delved into from various aspects, such as respondents' perspectives on the effects of these crises on wellbeing, finances, consumption, and online behaviours. Comparative analyses highlight differences between countries, with particular attention to demographic disparities within Finland. Findings include heightened war-related concerns, enduring economic anxieties, shifting consumption habits and diverse patterns of online behaviour. These insights contribute to understanding societal responses and resilience amidst adversity in the early 2020's.

Keywordsglobal problemspandemicsCOVID-19Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022effects (results)economic effectsyoung peoplewell-beingconsumer behaviourmedia useplaying (games and sports)international comparison

Free keywordsUkraine; Finland; Sweden; Great Britain

Contributing organizations

Ministry reportingYes

Reporting Year2024

Last updated on 2024-13-05 at 18:46