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An efficient controlled semi-quantum secret sharing protocol with entangled state (2024)

Houshmand, M., Hassanpour, S., & Haghparast, M. (2024). An efficient controlled semi-quantum secret sharing protocol with entangled state. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 56(5), Article 759. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11082-024-06434-3

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Julkaisun tiedot

Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajatHoushmand, Monireh; Hassanpour, Shima; Haghparast, Majid

Lehti tai sarjaOptical and Quantum Electronics






Lehden numero5




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Julkaisun avoin saatavuusEi avoin

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Julkaisu on rinnakkaistallennettu (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/94558


In this paper, we present an entangled state controlled semi-quantum secret sharing CSQSS protocol for the frst time. In this scheme, with the permission of a trusted classical user, Bob1, Alice, as a quantum user, can share a one-bit specifc message with n classical users, and the secret can only be recovered by the cooperation of all classical users. Then, the protocol is extended where m-bit specifc messages, K (k1, k2, ..., km), can be shared with n classical users. The security of the proposed protocol against common attacks is analysed in detail, which shows that the proposed protocol is theoretically secure. Compared with previous SQSS protocols, the proposed protocol can achieve a lower cost because it does not use returning qubits for producing the secret message, uses fewer returning qubits for eavesdropping check, and does not perform entangled state measurement. Moreover, the proposed protocol has the highest qubit efciency among the previous SQSS schemes.

YSO-asiasanatkvanttilaskentasalausprotokollat (tietoliikenne)

Vapaat asiasanatsemi-quantum secret sharing; entangled state; efficiency

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-03-07 klo 01:25