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Social workers’ perceptions on structural challenges for minorities’ social care (2024)

Turtiainen, K., & Anis, M. (2024). Social workers’ perceptions on structural challenges for minorities’ social care. In K. Clarke, L. Lee-Oliver, & S. Ranta-Tyrkkö (Eds.), Decolonising Social Work in Finland : Racialisation and Practices of Care (pp. 105-124). Policy Press. https://doi.org/10.51952/9781447371458.ch005

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Julkaisun tiedot

Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajatTurtiainen, Kati; Anis, Merja

EmojulkaisuDecolonising Social Work in Finland : Racialisation and Practices of Care

Emojulkaisun toimittajatClarke, Kris; Lee-Oliver, Leece; Ranta-Tyrkkö, Satu





Artikkelin sivunumerot105-124

Kirjan kokonaissivumäärä283

KustantajaPolicy Press



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The chapter focuses on the responsibility of social care services and the social work profession to develop structural and institutional conditions for service provision. The data consist of social workers’ group discussions and written texts. The research asks how social work experts understand the structural factors of social welfare organisations that limit the opportunities of migrants and lingual minorities to receive just and appropriate services; and what kinds of social relations are needed to improve just outcomes for the clients. The theoretical background is grounded in Iris Marion Young’s theory of social connections and responsibility. The results show that the understanding of culture is simplified and injustices are not actively identified or denied. It suggests enhancing a reciprocal relationship with clients, advocacy with stakeholders, management and within the nation-state to overturn unjust legislation.

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-23-04 klo 12:55