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War-related stress scale (2024)

Vargová, L., Jozefiaková, B., Lačný, M., & Adamkovič, M. (2024). War-related stress scale. BMC Psychology, 12, Article 208. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-024-01687-9

JYU-tekijät tai -toimittajat

Julkaisun tiedot

Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajatVargová, Lenka; Jozefiaková, Bibiána; Lačný, Martin; Adamkovič, Matúš

Lehti tai sarjaBMC Psychology






KustantajaBioMed Central


Julkaisun kielienglanti


Julkaisun avoin saatavuusAvoimesti saatavilla

Julkaisukanavan avoin saatavuusKokonaan avoin julkaisukanava

Julkaisu on rinnakkaistallennettu (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/94591


The current war in Ukraine has affected the well-being of people worldwide. In order to understand how difficult the situation is, specific stressors associated with war need to be measured. In response, an inventory of war-related stressors including its short form, has been developed.

A list of potential war-related stressors was created, and the content validity of each item assessed. The list, along with other validated scales, was administered to a representative sample of the Slovak population (effective N = 1851). Exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity analysis and network analysis were carried out to determine the optimal scale (long and short form) focused on war-related stressors.

The full version of the scale consists of 21 items, further divided into three factors: society-related stressors, person-related stressors, and security-related stressors. The short version of the scale comprises nine items loaded onto one factor. These items cover concerns for one’s safety and future, access to necessities, potential worsening of the economic situation, and the risk of conflict escalation, including a nuclear threat. The results of the network analysis indicate that concern about escalation and fear of an economic crisis play a central role.

The scale attempts to encompass a wide spectrum of areas that are affected by war and its potential consequences on individuals who reside outside the conflict zone. Given the complexity of the issue, researchers are invited to modify the scale, tailoring it to specific cultural, geographical, and temporal contexts.

YSO-asiasanatsodatVenäjän hyökkäys Ukrainaan 2022uhkakuvatstressistressireaktiotmielenterveysmielenterveysongelmatmittarit (mittaus)

Vapaat asiasanatwar; war-related stress; stressors; mental health

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-13-05 klo 18:06