A3 Book section, Chapters in research books
Scaffolding learning through reflection : Finnish language students recycling, negotiating, and reinterpreting instructions in a portfolio assignment (2024)

Räsänen, E. (2024). Scaffolding learning through reflection : Finnish language students recycling, negotiating, and reinterpreting instructions in a portfolio assignment. In M. Kivilehto, L. Lahti, T. Pitkänen, E. Pitkäsalo, & M. Tervola (Eds.), Tutkimuksellisia siltoja rakentamassa (pp. 234-255). Suomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistys. AFinLA:n vuosikirja, 2024. https://doi.org/10.30661/afinlavk.143399

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsRäsänen, Elisa

Parent publicationTutkimuksellisia siltoja rakentamassa

Parent publication editorsKivilehto, Marja; Lahti, Laura; Pitkänen, Taina; Pitkäsalo, Eliisa; Tervola, Maija


Journal or seriesAFinLA:n vuosikirja


Publication year2024

Publication date06/11/2024

Number in series2024

Pages range234-255

Number of pages in the book375

PublisherSuomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistys

Publication countryFinland

Publication languageEnglish


Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessOpen Access channel

Additional informationSuomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistyksen julkaisuja ; 81
Suomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistyksen AFinLAn syyssymposium Tampereen yliopistossa 9.–11.11.2023


Students’ everyday life interactions in the wild are an important resource for their language learning, and reflection helps in utilizing the learning potential of these experiences. Students need scaffolding to benefit from reflection, and task design must support learners’ agency. These requirements suggest a need to examine and develop such reflection tasks. This paper examines a portfolio task developed by the teacher-researcher to enhance students’ learning in the wild as part of an U.S. university-level Finnish Studies program. Drawing on nexus analysis and using discourse analysis, the paper maps and analyzes how phrases from the instructions circulate to the subsequent reflections, and what the implications of this circulation are for the discourses created as well as for learning. The analysis reveals how the students recycle, negotiate, and reinterpret phrases from the original task, and how the task scaffolds the reflections. Pedagogical implications focus on how the task can be developed. The author advocates for the use of nexus analysis in teacher research to bridge research practice with task development and instructional change. As part of their training, pre-service teachers are recommended to collect and analyze student data to study the implications of the learning tasks they develop and use.

KeywordsFinnish languageforeign languageslanguage learningclass teachingeducational methodseveryday lifelinguistic interactionreflection (cognitive processes)nexus analysisdiscourse analysis

Free keywordsdiscourse analysis; discourses in place; language learning in the wild; nexus analysis; written reflection

Contributing organizations

Ministry reportingYes

VIRTA submission year2024

Preliminary JUFO rating1

Last updated on 2024-30-11 at 20:05