A1 Journal article (refereed)
Product formulas for multiple stochastic integrals associated with Lévy processes (2024)
Di Tella, P., Geiss, C., & Steinicke, A. (2024). Product formulas for multiple stochastic integrals associated with Lévy processes. Collectanea mathematica, Early online. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13348-024-00456-6
JYU authors or editors
Publication details
All authors or editors: Di Tella, Paolo; Geiss, Christel; Steinicke, Alexander
Journal or series: Collectanea mathematica
ISSN: 0010-0757
eISSN: 2038-4815
Publication year: 2024
Publication date: 07/11/2024
Volume: Early online
Publisher: Springer
Publication country: Spain
Publication language: English
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13348-024-00456-6
Publication open access: Openly available
Publication channel open access: Partially open access channel
Publication is parallel published (JYX): https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/98348
Web address of parallel published publication (pre-print): https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2309.11150
In the present paper, we obtain an explicit product formula for products of multiple integrals w.r.t. a random measure associated with a Lévy process. As a building block, we use a representation formula for products of martingales from a compensated-covariation stable family. This enables us to consider Lévy processes with both jump and Gaussian part. It is well known that for multiple integrals w.r.t. the Brownian motion such product formulas exist without further integrability conditions on the kernels. However, if a jump part is present, this is, in general, false. Therefore, we provide here sufficient conditions on the kernels which allow us to establish product formulas. As an application, we obtain explicit expressions for the expectation of products of iterated integrals, as well as for the moments and the cumulants for stochastic integrals w.r.t. the random measure. Based on these expressions, we show a central limit theorem for the long time behaviour of a class of stochastic integrals. Finally, we provide methods to calculate the number of summands in the product formula.
Keywords: stochastic processes; probability calculation
Free keywords: product formulas for multiple stochastic integrals; moment formulas; Lévy processes; central limit theorem
Contributing organizations
Ministry reporting: Yes
VIRTA submission year: 2024
Preliminary JUFO rating: 1