A1 Journal article (refereed)
Instructed perception and action : The mutual accomplishment of manual know-how in using VR games (2024)
Piirainen-Marsh, A., & Olbertz-Siitonen, M. (2024). Instructed perception and action : The mutual accomplishment of manual know-how in using VR games. Language and Communication, 99, 313-332. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.langcom.2024.10.011
JYU authors or editors
Publication details
All authors or editors: Piirainen-Marsh, Arja; Olbertz-Siitonen, Margarethe
Journal or series: Language and Communication
ISSN: 0271-5309
eISSN: 1873-3395
Publication year: 2024
Publication date: 16/11/2024
Volume: 99
Pages range: 313-332
Publisher: Elsevier
Publication country: United Kingdom
Publication language: English
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.langcom.2024.10.011
Publication open access: Openly available
Publication channel open access: Partially open access channel
Publication is parallel published (JYX): https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/98571
This paper investigates how manual know-how is manifested in instructed action in a technologized setting characterised by distributed spaces and bodies. Drawing on data from a temporary game lab where co-present participants try out virtual reality games, it analyses how an experienced VR user instructs novice participants in accomplishing the steps required to set up the game, in interacting with virtual objects and resolving troubles with tasks in the virtual environment. We show how instructions are fitted to and serve to advance the practical activity, and how they are recipient designed to teach novice users the manual and bodily techniques for interacting with the virtual game and its features.
Keywords: direction (instruction and guidance); instructions; instruction manuals; interaction; social learning; virtual reality; virtual environment; multimodality
Free keywords: manual know-how; multimodal interaction; instructions; instructed action; virtual reality
Contributing organizations
Ministry reporting: Yes
VIRTA submission year: 2024
Preliminary JUFO rating: 3