D1 Article in a trade journal
Röntgenkuvantamisesta apua bentoniittipuskurin mallintamiseen (2024)

Harjupatana, T. (2024). Röntgenkuvantamisesta apua bentoniittipuskurin mallintamiseen. ATS ydintekniikka, 53(3), 27-30. https://bin.yhdistysavain.fi/1608821/7LjC5cldcpR7BgHOat4D0bAXj8/ATS%20Ydintekniikka_3-2024.pdf

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsHarjupatana, Tero

Journal or seriesATS ydintekniikka



Publication year2024


Issue number3

Pages range27-30

PublisherSuomen atomiteknillinen seura

Publication countryFinland

Publication languageFinnish

Persistent website addresshttps://bin.yhdistysavain.fi/1608821/7LjC5cldcpR7BgHOat4D0bAXj8/ATS%20Ydintekniikka_3-2024.pdf

Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessDelayed open access channel

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/98701

Additional informationTiede ja tekniikka | Väitös
Väitöskirja on hyväksytty Jyväskylän yliopistossa 13.9.2023 ja on saatavilla osoitteesta: http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-39-9718-2


In this dissertation, a method for measuring water transport and deformation in swelling materials was developed. In the method, the wetting of a sample is monitored by taking X-ray or X-ray tomographic images at suitable intervals. By using various image correction and analysis techniques, the density distributions of solid and
water and the displacement fields as a function of time are obtained as the final results. The most important
application of the method was bentonite, a buffer material used in nuclear waste disposal. The detailed data produced by the method help to model the buffer, and thus to assess the overall safety of the disposal concept.

Keywordsbentonitecompositesmaterials (matter)water contentwateradvectionmodelling (representation)x-ray examinationtomographymaterials researchnuclear wastefinal deposition

Free keywordsbiokomposiitti; röntgentomografia; deformaatio; kuvakorrelaatio

Contributing organizations

Ministry reportingYes

VIRTA submission year2024

Last updated on 2025-16-01 at 20:05