A1 Journal article (refereed)
How to Manage Generative Idea Screening (2025)
Sukhov, A., Sihvonen, A., Huck, J., Olsson, L. E., & Netz, J. (2025). How to Manage Generative Idea Screening. Research-Technology management, 68(1), 35-45. https://doi.org/10.1080/08956308.2024.2419253
JYU authors or editors
Publication details
All authors or editors: Sukhov, Alexandre; Sihvonen, Antti; Huck, Jana; Olsson, Lars E.; Netz, Johan
Journal or series: Research-Technology management
ISSN: 0895-6308
eISSN: 1930-0166
Publication year: 2025
Publication date: 17/12/2024
Volume: 68
Issue number: 1
Pages range: 35-45
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Publication country: United States
Publication language: English
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/08956308.2024.2419253
Publication open access: Openly available
Publication channel open access: Partially open access channel
Publication is parallel published (JYX): https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/99284
Traditionally idea screening has been understood as a selection process, but recent studies have shown that idea evaluators engage in creative activities during screening. This approach has been conceptualized as generative idea screening. In this study, we analyzed how expert evaluators perform generative screening. By analyzing idea screening situations, we found that experts rely primarily on three types of generative activities that focus on adapting, concretizing, or changing an idea. Innovation managers can use this information to organize and direct generative activities during idea screening. We also discovered four idea screening processes: simple evaluation, simple modification, cyclical modification, and cyclical exploration. Adapting and concretizing an idea are prevalent activities in these four processes, which suggests that generative idea screening is best used for identifying and solving issues related to how an idea is presented and implemented.
Practitioners takeaways
Generative screening is a creative process companies can use to improve upon initial ideas for innovation.
Instead of asking experts to merely improve upon ideas, innovation managers can ask them to adapt the ideas to make them easier to implement; to concretize ideas to make them easier to understand; and/or to change the idea to encourage divergent thinking.
Innovation managers can use generative idea screening as input for further ideation and harvest the experts’ creative potential more effectively, rather than solely focusing on identifying the most promising ideas during screening.
Keywords: creativity; innovations; innovation environment; innovation (activity); creative activity
Free keywords: idea screening; generative idea screening; innovation; creativity
Contributing organizations
Ministry reporting: Yes
VIRTA submission year: 2025
Preliminary JUFO rating: 1