A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
Behavioural and emotional strengths of sociometrically popular, rejected, controversial, neglected, and average children (2019)

Rytioja, M., Lappalainen, K., & Savolainen, H. (2019). Behavioural and emotional strengths of sociometrically popular, rejected, controversial, neglected, and average children. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 34(5), 557-571. https://doi.org/10.1080/08856257.2018.1560607

JYU-tekijät tai -toimittajat

Julkaisun tiedot

Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajatRytioja, Marleene; Lappalainen, Kristiina; Savolainen, Hannu

Lehti tai sarjaEuropean Journal of Special Needs Education





Lehden numero5

Artikkelin sivunumerot557-571



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Julkaisun avoin saatavuusEi avoin

Julkaisukanavan avoin saatavuus

Julkaisu on rinnakkaistallennettu (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/66432


Many behavioural and emotional characteristics are associated with children’s peer relationships. The purpose of this study is to examine behavioural and emotional strengths of sociometrically popular, rejected, controversial, neglected, and average children. 773 third-grade children (51% girls) are assessed with a sociometric questionnaire and self-evaluations of their behavioural and emotional strengths and difficulties. Teacher evaluations are also used to assess the children’s academic competencies and behaviour. Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to analyse the data. Results indicate that children in the popular status group assess their behavioural and emotional strengths as being better than children in the rejected status group. The behavioural profile of the controversial status group is similar to that of the rejected status group. Children in the neglected status group differ from other sociometric status groups in some behavioural and emotional strengths. Issues pertaining to gender differences are also discussed.

YSO-asiasanatlapset (ikäryhmät)sosiaaliset suhteetvertaissuhteetsosiaalinen asemaongelmakäyttäytyminenopintomenestys

Vapaat asiasanatsociometric status; behavioural and emotional strengths; behavioural and emotional difficulties; school achievement

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