A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
Psykososiaalisia selitysmalleja psykoosi-ilmiön ymmärtämisen ja integratiivisen hoidon tueksi (2019)
Psychosocial approaches to support understanding and an integrative treatment of psychosis

Bergström, T. (2019). Psykososiaalisia selitysmalleja psykoosi-ilmiön ymmärtämisen ja integratiivisen hoidon tueksi. Lääkärilehti, 74(13), 806-811. https://www.laakarilehti.fi/tieteessa/katsausartikkeli/psykososiaalisia-selitysmalleja-psykoosi-ilmion-ymmartamisen-ja-integratiivisen-hoidon-tueksi/

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsBergström, Tomi

Journal or seriesLääkärilehti



Publication year2019


Issue number13

Pages range806-811

PublisherSuomen lääkäriliitto

Publication countryFinland

Publication languageFinnish

Persistent website addresshttps://www.laakarilehti.fi/tieteessa/katsausartikkeli/psykososiaalisia-selitysmalleja-psykoosi-ilmion-ymmartamisen-ja-integratiivisen-hoidon-tueksi/

Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessDelayed open access channel

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/63636

Additional informationTieteessä | katsaus


The term psychosis refers to a complex phenomenon, characterized by a variety of phenotypic expressions,
courses and clinical outcomes. This heterogeneous nature challenges the development of optimal treatment
strategies. In response to this challenge, integrative approaches have been preferred, in which the disorder is
explained as the result of an interaction between biological vulnerability and psychosocial stress. However, in
some cases this could underrate the complex and interrelated nature of psychotic experiences by emphasizing
the causal role of the underlying and diagnosable disease entities. This can be balanced with psychosocial and
dimensional approaches, and by emphasizing real-world experiences. Based on this, experiences interpreted
as a psychosis can be understood as a variation of normal biological, mental and social processes, and often
as a consistent reaction to trauma or other life adversities. Respectively, for some, such experiences are
extremely painful, whereas for others some aspects of psychosis can be both meaningful and valuable. Due
to this complexity and multifaceted nature of phenomena categorized under the psychosis, it cannot be
comprehensively treated as a symptom of a singular disease entity apart from its context, including the patient’s
social and other “real-life” environments. In treatment, the shift from a traditional one-way interaction to
more collaborative dialogues enables the creation of shared understanding between staff, patients, and their
close networks concerning each situation. This makes it possible to provide treatment in a more need-adapted
manner, and it may itself reduce psychotic symptoms by offering a shared language and meanings for difficult
experiences within the patient’s natural environments. In sum, expanding the scope of psychosis has the
potential to increase both the validity of research and the effectiveness of treatment practices, though more
research is still needed.

Keywordsmental disorderspsychosespsychosocial factorstreatment methodspsychosocial support

Contributing organizations

Other organizations:

Ministry reportingYes

Reporting Year2019

JUFO rating1

Last updated on 2024-12-02 at 12:48