A1 Journal article (refereed)
Päiväkotien liikuntaolosuhteiden yhteys lasten motorisiin taitoihin (2019)

Sääkslahti, A., Niemistö, D., Nevalainen, K., Laukkanen, A., Korhonen, E., & Finni Juutinen, T. (2019). Päiväkotien liikuntaolosuhteiden yhteys lasten motorisiin taitoihin. Liikunta ja tiede, 56(2-3), 77-83. https://www.lts.fi/media/lts_vertaisarvioidut_tutkimusartikkelit/2019/lt_2-3_19_tutkimusartikkeli-saakslahti_lowres.pdf

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsSääkslahti, Arja; Niemistö , Donna; Nevalainen, Kaisa; Laukkanen, Arto; Korhonen, Elisa; Finni Juutinen, Taija

Journal or seriesLiikunta ja tiede


Publication year2019


Issue number2-3

Pages range77-83

PublisherLiikuntatieteellinen Seura ry

Place of PublicationHelsinki

Publication countryFinland

Publication languageFinnish

Persistent website addresshttps://www.lts.fi/media/lts_vertaisarvioidut_tutkimusartikkelit/2019/lt_2-3_19_tutkimusartikkeli-saakslahti_lowres.pdf

Publication open accessNot open

Publication channel open access

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/64920


Environmental and social conditions at preschools are associated with children’s physical activity (PA). Also, the development of motor skills (MS) is associated with the amount of PA. This study aimed to determine if childcare centre facilities and environmental conditions are associated with children’s MS. The study participants were 1,136 children aged 2 to 7 years attending early childhood education (ECE) at randomly selected Finnish day-care centres (N = 37). The head of each centre completed a questionnaire on the each centre’s physical and social conditions. All
children’s MS were measured with TGMD-3 test battery (Ulrich 2013) and 4–7-years old children with KTK test battery (Kiphard & Schilling 1974, 2007). Descriptive statistics describe the data. When examining the associations between MS and childcare center –related variables, hierarchical linear regression models were used. Results revealed variation in environmental and social condition between childcare centres: 32 % of centres did not have own gym, and size of the playground area varied substantially (226–11,000 m2), as did access to forests (54 %). Physical education (PE) varied also: 54 % of centres had yearly plan for PE and the amount of organized PE in a week varied from 0.5–7 times/ week. Measured conditions were associated with children’s MS as follows: children’s age, gender, the amount of surfaces. The size of yard associated with manipulative skills and shape of yard with locomotor skills. Based on these results there is need to pay attention for environmental and social conditions. Otherwise, there may be difficulties for early educators to achieve the targets of supporting children’s overall learning prerequisites, stated by Act of Early education.

Keywordschildren (age groups)day care centresphysical trainingyardsmotor skills (general)

Free keywordsliikuntaolosuhteet; piha-alueet

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Ministry reportingYes

VIRTA submission year2019

JUFO rating1

Last updated on 2024-12-10 at 02:45