A1 Journal article (refereed)
Primed Authenticity : How Priming Impacts Authenticity Perception of Social Media Influencers (2019)

Luoma-aho, V., Pirttimäki, T., Maitly, D., Munnukka, J., & Reinikainen, H. (2019). Primed Authenticity : How Priming Impacts Authenticity Perception of Social Media Influencers. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 13(4), 352-365. https://doi.org/10.1080/1553118X.2019.1617716

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsLuoma-aho, Vilma; Pirttimäki, Tuisku; Maitly, Devdeep; Munnukka, Juha; Reinikainen, Hanna

Journal or seriesInternational Journal of Strategic Communication



Publication year2019


Issue number4

Pages range352-365

PublisherTaylor & Francis

Publication countryUnited States

Publication languageEnglish


Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessPartially open access channel

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/65433


Though organizations increasingly collaborate with social media influencers, such as bloggers and videobloggers, little is known as to how the contextual cues related to sponsored content affect the authenticity perception of the social media influencers among audience members. This study explores how positive and negative priming of sponsored content shapes the authenticity perception of the vlogger among its audience members. Four different manipulation conditions were constructed to study a U.S. based travel vlog on Qualtrics, with data collected via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. A theory-guided content analysis of 211 open viewer responses was conducted to compare perceptions of authenticity between the manipulation groups. The results verified the significance of priming: the same sponsored content can result in opposite reactions among the audience members depending on the positive/negative valence of the introductory text attached, highlighting the central importance of strategic communication related to the perception of sponsored content. The results also point out the importance of audience member engagement for experienced authenticity: The manipulation of audience participation with the vlog had a stronger effect on the perception of authenticity of the vlogger than the positive/negative valence of the introductory text.

Keywordsorganisational communication and public relationssocial mediavideo bloggersvideo bloggingsponsorshipcommunication strategies

Contributing organizations

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Ministry reportingYes

Reporting Year2019

JUFO rating1

Last updated on 2024-10-05 at 23:06