D2 Article in a professional book
Introduction (2018)

Matthes, M., & Pulkkinen, L. (2018). Introduction. In M. Matthes, L. Pulkkinen, C. Clouder, & B. Heys (Eds.), Improving the quality of childhood in Europe : Volume 7 (7, pp. 8-16). Alliance for Childhood European Network Foundation. Improving the quality of childhood in Europe. http://www.allianceforchildhood.eu/files/Improving_the_quality_of_Childhood_Vol_7/QOC V7 CH01 DEF WEB.pdf

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsMatthes, Michiel; Pulkkinen, Lea

Parent publicationImproving the quality of childhood in Europe : Volume 7

Parent publication editorsMatthes, Michiel; Pulkkinen, Lea; Clouder, Christopher; Heys, Belinda


Journal or seriesImproving the quality of childhood in Europe

Publication year2018


Pages range8-16

Number of pages in the book189

PublisherAlliance for Childhood European Network Foundation

Place of PublicationBrussels

Publication countryBelgium

Publication languageEnglish

Persistent website addresshttp://www.allianceforchildhood.eu/files/Improving_the_quality_of_Childhood_Vol_7/QOC V7 CH01 DEF WEB.pdf

Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessOpen Access channel

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/66394

Keywordschildren (age groups)childhoodchildren's rightschild's status

Free keywordsEurope

Contributing organizations

Ministry reportingYes

Reporting Year2019

Last updated on 2024-10-05 at 23:06