C2 Edited work
Jälkikuvia, kuvan jälkiä : lasten ja nuorten taiteen tallentaminen ja tutkiminen (2019)

Venäläinen, P., Lindholm, J., Kairavuori, S., Pusa, T., & Ylönen, S. (Eds.). (2019). Jälkikuvia, kuvan jälkiä : lasten ja nuorten taiteen tallentaminen ja tutkiminen. Nuorisotutkimusseura. Nuorisotutkimusverkoston julkaisuja, 222. https://www.nuorisotutkimusseura.fi/images/julkaisuja/jalkikuvia_-_verkkoon.pdf

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsVenäläinen, Päivi; Lindholm, Jemina; Kairavuori, Seija; Pusa, Tiina; Ylönen, Susanne



Journal or seriesNuorisotutkimusverkoston julkaisuja


Publication year2019

Number in series222

Number of pages in the book200


Place of PublicationHelsinki

Publication countryFinland

Publication languageFinnish

Persistent website addresshttps://www.nuorisotutkimusseura.fi/images/julkaisuja/jalkikuvia_-_verkkoon.pdf

Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessOpen Access channel


Afterimages, Traces of Images – Archiving and Studying Art by Children and Youth is a publication opening a discussion on archiving and studying the cultural heritage produced by children and young people. It is based on a project by the Art Centre for Children and Young People, Finnish Youth Research Society, and five Finnish universities. This project aimed at increasing the awareness of the volumes of art by children and young people and at studying the issues related to archiving it. The project and the publication strive to show the value and uniqueness of the cultural heritage of children and youth. Art by children and young people contains concepts not found in any other cultural products. The following articles by the experts, researchers and undergraduate students of art education and childhood and youth research are grouped into three entities: Archived Images, Authorship and Agency, and Readings and Interpretations. The first part reviews the starting points of the works and considers the social and institutional power relations affecting the formation of the archives of art by children and young people. The second part explores the evaluation and significance of art by children and young people in our society, the concept of art defining it and the ways to challenge and redefine the hierarchies related to art and to the relationship between children and adults. Art by children and young people and its creation are viewed from the aspects of human rights, copyrights, children’s rights and spontaneous creation of art. The articles argue for everyone’s right to art, authorship, and participation. In the third part, the researchers are at the archived material. Art by children and young people is studied from the viewpoints of developmental psychology, visual cultural research, childhood research, and historical research. The objects of study are the interpretations by young people of the works of art by children and young people, pictures by individual children and archived entities. The book ends with a critical discussion on the editing process of the book and its contents, and presents new research questions for future archiving and research work.

Keywordschildren (age groups)young peopleartfine artsconceptions of artauthorship (general)copyrightarchivingcultural heritage

Contributing organizations

Ministry reportingYes

Reporting Year2019

JUFO rating1

Last updated on 2024-10-05 at 23:06