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A topological isomer of the Au25(SR)18− nanocluster (2020)

Matus, M. F., Malola, S., Kinder Bonilla, E., Barngrover, B. M., Aikens, C. M., & Häkkinen, H. (2020). A topological isomer of the Au25(SR)18− nanocluster. Chemical Communications, 56(58), 8087-8090. https://doi.org/10.1039/d0cc03334k

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Julkaisun tiedot

Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajatMatus, María Francisca; Malola, Sami; Kinder Bonilla, Emily; Barngrover, Brian M.; Aikens, Christine M.; Häkkinen, Hannu

Lehti tai sarjaChemical Communications





Lehden numero58

Artikkelin sivunumerot8087-8090

KustantajaRoyal Society of Chemistry


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Julkaisu on rinnakkaistallennettuhttps://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10210390


Energetically low-lying structural isomers of the much-studied thiolate-protected gold cluster Au25(SR)18- are discovered from extensive (80 ns) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using the reactive molecular force field ReaxFF and confirmed by density functional theory (DFT). A particularly interesting isomer is found, which is topologically connected to the known crystal structure by a low-barrier collective rotation of the icosahedral Au13 core. The isomerization takes place without breaking of any Au-S bonds. The predicted isomer is essentially iso-energetic with the known Au25(SR)18- structure, but has a distinctly different optical spectrum. It has a significantly larger collision cross-section as compared to that of the known structure, which suggests it could be detectable in gas phase ion-mobility mass spectrometry.


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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-03-04 klo 20:56