A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
A checklist to assess the quality of survey studies in psychology (2020)

Protogerou, C., & Hagger, M. S. (2020). A checklist to assess the quality of survey studies in psychology. Methods in Psychology, 3, 100031. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.metip.2020.100031

JYU-tekijät tai -toimittajat

Julkaisun tiedot

Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajatProtogerou, Cleo; Hagger, Martin S.

Lehti tai sarjaMethods in Psychology




Artikkelin sivunumerot100031



Julkaisun kielienglanti


Julkaisun avoin saatavuusAvoimesti saatavilla

Julkaisukanavan avoin saatavuusKokonaan avoin julkaisukanava

Julkaisu on rinnakkaistallennettu (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/71235


Study quality is emerging as an essential component of evidence syntheses and allows practitioners and policymakers to make informed decisions based on the quality of the evidence reviewed. Study quality is typically assessed by checklists of pre-determined quality criteria. Few study quality checklists have been systematically evaluated, and none have been developed specifically for survey studies in psychology. The present study addresses this evidence gap by developing the quality of survey studies in psychology (Q-SSP) checklist, using an expert-consensus method. An international panel of experts in psychology research and quality assessment (N ​= ​53) evaluated the inclusion and importance of candidate quality items and offered commentary. The resulting checklist was used to evaluate a set of survey studies and inter-rater reliability of checklist scores was computed. A preliminary test of criterion validity of checklist scores was conducted using on a sample of survey studies with ‘known differences’ in study quality verified by experts. Experts exhibited high agreement on inclusion and importance ratings of the candidate items. Minor adjustments were made to the candidate items based on experts' feedback. Inter-rater reliability of study quality scores using the checklist was high. Some evidence for criterion validity of scores using the checklist was obtained. Overall, we provide preliminary data to support the Q-SSP checklist as a potential means to evaluate the quality of survey studies in psychology. We recommend a large-scale study using the Q-SSP checklist to assess study quality in studies with known differences in quality verified by experts.


Vapaat asiasanatstudy quality assessment; psychology; correlational studies; survey studies; evidence syntheses; transparency

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-22-04 klo 10:50