A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä
Multiskilled in many ways : Ghanaian Female Journalists Between Job and Home (2020)
Boateng, K. J. A., & Lauk, E. (2020). Multiskilled in many ways : Ghanaian Female Journalists Between Job and Home. Communication Today, 11(2), 46-63. https://www.communicationtoday.sk/multiskilled-in-many-ways-ghanaian-female-journalists-between-job-and-home/
JYU-tekijät tai -toimittajat
Julkaisun tiedot
Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajat: Boateng, Kodwo Jonas Anson; Lauk, Epp
Lehti tai sarja: Communication Today
ISSN: 1338-130X
Julkaisuvuosi: 2020
Volyymi: 11
Lehden numero: 2
Artikkelin sivunumerot: 46-63
Kustantaja: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave
Julkaisumaa: Slovakia
Julkaisun kieli: englanti
Pysyvä verkko-osoite: https://www.communicationtoday.sk/multiskilled-in-many-ways-ghanaian-female-journalists-between-job-and-home/
Julkaisun avoin saatavuus: Avoimesti saatavilla
Julkaisukanavan avoin saatavuus: Kokonaan avoin julkaisukanava
Julkaisu on rinnakkaistallennettu (JYX): https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/73366
In Ghana, feminisation of journalism profession has become a fact: more girls are entering journalism programmes in the Universities, and the number of women employees are growing in the newsrooms. The problem of balancing worktime arrangements (e.g. irregular and unpredictable work schedules, weekend work and long working hours) with equally important domestic obligations are familiar to most female journalists around the globe. Even in countries with well-developed social support structures, and well-defined labour laws, the current nature of journalism worktime arrangements impedes many female journalists to achieve work–life balance. For most Ghanaian female journalists, the culturally entrenched disproportionate societal power hierarchies amplify the challenges of the gendered journalism environment. This study employs unstructured in-depth interviews with 23 female journalists from various regions in Ghana. The study explores three sets of arrangements and demonstrates their impact on the ability of female journalists to balance their domestic and work obligations. The study revealed that the not-so-successful efforts of combining their multiple domestic and social obligations with professional ones causes emotional stress, guilt and self-condemnation and further revealed, female regional correspondents tend to have higher levels of work-life imbalance.
YSO-asiasanat: journalismi; toimittajat (media); sukupuoli; sukupuolittuminen; naiset; työelämä; vapaa-aika; yhteensovittaminen
Vapaat asiasanat: Ghana
Liittyvät organisaatiot
OKM-raportointi: Kyllä
VIRTA-lähetysvuosi: 2020
JUFO-taso: 1