A1 Journal article (refereed)
Nörttikulttuurin identiteettikriisi : Gamergate, Comicsgate ja Star Wars poliittisten kiistojen näyttämöinä (2020)
Geek culture’s identity crisis : Gamergate, Comicsgate, and Star Wars as scenes of political controversy
Arjoranta, J., Kontturi, K., Varis, E., & Välisalo, T. (2020). Nörttikulttuurin identiteettikriisi : Gamergate, Comicsgate ja Star Wars poliittisten kiistojen näyttämöinä. Lähikuva, 33(3-4), 92-111. https://doi.org/10.23994/lk.100442
JYU authors or editors
Publication details
All authors or editors: Arjoranta, Jonne; Kontturi, Katja; Varis, Essi; Välisalo, Tanja
Journal or series: Lähikuva
eISSN: 2343-399X
Publication year: 2020
Volume: 33
Issue number: 3-4
Pages range: 92-111
Publisher: Lähikuva-yhdistys ry
Publication country: Finland
Publication language: Finnish
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23994/lk.100442
Publication open access: Openly available
Publication channel open access: Open Access channel
Publication is parallel published (JYX): https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/73376
In this article, we explore the crisis of geek culture through three case studies and analyse what Gamergate campaigns, Comicsgate controversy, and the discussion around The Last Jedi movie reveal about the conflicts in and around geek culture. We analyse the cases by the means of contextual close reading, focusing especially on what they reveal about the relationship between gender and geek identity. As a result, the article demonstrates how the mainstreaming of geek culture has broken the nostalgic illusion of its unity.
Keywords: subcultures; fandom; popular culture; identity (mental objects); identity politics; stereotypies; equality (values); gender roles; gendering; case study
Free keywords: nörttikulttuuri
Contributing organizations
Ministry reporting: Yes
VIRTA submission year: 2020
JUFO rating: 1