A4 Article in conference proceedings
Self-Sovereign Identity Ecosystems : Benefits and Challenges (2021)
Laatikainen, G., Kolehmainen, T., & Abrahamsson, P. (2021). Self-Sovereign Identity Ecosystems : Benefits and Challenges. In E. Parmiggiani, A. Kempton, & P. Mikalef (Eds.), SCIS 2021 : Proceedings of the 12th Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems (Article 10). Association for Information Systems. https://aisel.aisnet.org/scis2021/10/
JYU authors or editors
Publication details
All authors or editors: Laatikainen, Gabriella; Kolehmainen, Taija; Abrahamsson, Pekka
Parent publication: SCIS 2021 : Proceedings of the 12th Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems
Parent publication editors: Parmiggiani, Elena; Kempton, Alexander; Mikalef, Patrick
Place and date of conference: Online/ Orkanger, Norway, 9.-11.8.2021
ISBN: 978-82-303-5054-6
Publication year: 2021
Article number: 10
Publisher: Association for Information Systems
Publication country: United States
Publication language: English
Persistent website address: https://aisel.aisnet.org/scis2021/10/
Publication open access: Openly available
Publication channel open access: Open Access channel
Publication is parallel published (JYX): https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/77892
Verifiable credentials, coupled with decentralized ledger technologies, have been potential providers of trustworthy digital identity for individuals, organizations, and other entities, and thus, potential enablers of trustful digital interactions. The rapid development of this technology—called self-sovereign identity (SSI)—and the ecosystems built around it have been fostered even more by the societal needs stemming from the current pandemic crisis, when governments, non-profit organizations, businesses, and individuals are working together on different aspects of SSI to enable mainstream adoption. In this study, we build on rich qualitative data gathered from SSI practitioners to give a fresh overview of the perceived benefits and challenges of SSI. The paper advances research on the domain of SSI adoption and provides valuable insights into the feasibility of SSI for practitioners both in the private and public sectors
Keywords: electronic services; online services; data security; electronic identification
Free keywords: self-sovereign identity; decentralized identity; SSI benefits; SSI adoption
Contributing organizations
Ministry reporting: Yes
VIRTA submission year: 2021
JUFO rating: 0