A1 Journal article (refereed)
Genetic diversity and phenotypic characterization of Iodobacter limnosediminis associated with skin lesions in freshwater fish (2021)

Korkea‐aho, T. L., Viljamaa‐Dirks, S., Heinikainen, S., Kuronen, H., & Tiirola, M. (2021). Genetic diversity and phenotypic characterization of Iodobacter limnosediminis associated with skin lesions in freshwater fish. Journal of Fish Diseases, 44(11), 1711-1724. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfd.13490

JYU authors or editors

Publication details

All authors or editorsKorkea‐aho, Tiina Liisa; Viljamaa‐Dirks, Satu; Heinikainen, Sirpa; Kuronen, Henry; Tiirola, Marja

Journal or seriesJournal of Fish Diseases



Publication year2021

Publication date04/07/2021


Issue number11

Pages range1711-1724


Publication countryUnited Kingdom

Publication languageEnglish


Publication open accessOpenly available

Publication channel open accessPartially open access channel

Publication is parallel published (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/77059


The relatively unknown genus Iodobacter sp. has been repeatedly isolated from skin ulcers and saprolegniosis on freshwater fish in Finland, especially farmed salmonids. Genetic characterization verified that all 23 bacterial isolates studied here belonged to the species Iodobacter limnosediminis, previously undescribed from the fish microbiota. Whole-genome pulsed-field gel electrophoresis revealed variability between the I. limnosediminis strains, suggesting that they were most likely of environmental origin. Two I. limnosediminis strains caused lesions in 27%–53% of brown trout (Salmo trutta) injected intramuscularly (p ≤ .05). The lesions represented moderate to severe tissue damage, but for most fish, the tissues had been repaired by the end of the experiment through the accumulation of fibrocytes and macrophages at the site of the lesion. I. limnosediminis was reisolated from some lesions and/or internal organs. Phenotypically and biochemically, I. limnosediminis resembles several common bacterial species found in the aquatic environment, as it grows well on several media as whitish medium-sized colonies, is Gram negative and rod-shaped. Here, we characterized I. limnosediminis strains with several methods, including MALDI-TOF. This characterization will help in further investigations into the occurrence and possible involvement of I. limnosediminis in skin lesions of freshwater fish.

Keywordsfishesfresh watermicrobesbacterial diseasestissues (parts of the body)

Free keywordsfreshwater fish; Iodobacter limnosediminis; skin lesion

Contributing organizations

Ministry reportingYes

VIRTA submission year2021

JUFO rating1

Last updated on 2024-12-10 at 11:00