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Direct measurement of the mass difference of 72As−72Ge rules out 72As as a promising β-decay candidate to determine the neutrino mass (2021)

Ge, Z., Eronen, T., de Roubin, A., Nesterenko, D. A., Hukkanen, M., Beliuskina, O., de Groote, R., Geldhof, S., Gins, W., Kankainen, A., Koszorús, Á., Kotila, J., Kostensalo, J., Moore, I. D., Raggio, A., Rinta-Antila, S., Suhonen, J., Virtanen, V., Weaver, A. P., . . . Jokinen, A. (2021). Direct measurement of the mass difference of 72As−72Ge rules out 72As as a promising β-decay candidate to determine the neutrino mass. Physical Review C, 103(6), Article 065502. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.103.065502

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Julkaisun kaikki tekijät tai toimittajatGe, Z.; Eronen, T.; de Roubin, A.; Nesterenko, D. A.; Hukkanen, M.; Beliuskina, O.; de Groote, R.; Geldhof, S.; Gins, W.; Kankainen, A.; et al.

Lehti tai sarjaPhysical Review C






Lehden numero6


KustantajaAmerican Physical Society (APS)

JulkaisumaaYhdysvallat (USA)

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Julkaisun avoin saatavuusEi avoin

Julkaisukanavan avoin saatavuus

Julkaisu on rinnakkaistallennettu (JYX)https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/77058

Rinnakkaistallenteen verkko-osoite (pre-print)https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.08729


We report the first direct determination of the ground-state to ground-state electron-capture Q value for the 72As to 72Ge decay by measuring their atomic mass difference utilizing the double Penning trap mass spectrometer, JYFLTRAP. The Q value was measured to be 4343.596(75) keV, which is more than a fiftyfold improvement in precision compared to the value in the most recent Atomic Mass Evaluation 2020. Furthermore, the new Q value was found to be 12.4(40) keV (3.1 σ) lower. With the significant reduction of the uncertainty of the ground-state to ground-state Q value combined with the level scheme of 72Ge from γ-ray spectroscopy, we confirm that the five potential ultralow Q-value β+ decay or electron capture transitions are energetically forbidden, thus precluding all the transitions as possible candidates for the electron neutrino mass determination. However, the discovery of small negative Q values opens up the possibility to use 72As for the study of virtual β−γ transitions.

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Viimeisin päivitys 2024-22-04 klo 16:26