Active Ageing and Wellbeing in Old Age (AGNES)

Rantanen, Taina. (2022). Active Ageing and Wellbeing in Old Age (AGNES). V. 28.10.2022. University of Jyväskylä.

JYU authors
  • Contact person (yes/no)Yes

All authorsRantanen, Taina

FundersMinistry of Education and CultureJuho Vainio FoundationResearch Council of FinlandEuropean Commission



Availability and identifiers

AvailabilityContact owner

Publication year2022

URN identifier in original repository

DOI identifier in original repository

URN identifier in JYX

DOI identifier in JYX

Description of the dataset

DescriptionFor this population-based study, includes data of 1021 participants aged 75, 80 or 85 years living in central Finland, who have been recruited by drawing personal details from the Finnish population register. Participants were interviewed on active aging, wellbeing, disability, environmental and social support, mobility, health behavior, and health literacy. Physical activity and heart rate were monitored for up to 7 days with wearable sensors. Functional tests include hearing, vision, muscle strength, reaction time, exercise tolerance, mobility, and cognitive performance. Clinical examination by a nurse and physician includes an electrocardiogram, tests of blood pressure, orthostatic regulation, arterial stiffness, and lung function, as well as a review of chronic and acute conditions and prescribed medications. C-reactive protein, small blood count, cholesterol and vitamin D were analyzed from blood samples. Cohort effects can be studied by comparing test results of physical and cognitive functioning with results of a cohort examined in 1989-90. Follow-up data on active ageing, physical activity, life-space mobility, health literacy and depressive mood were collected during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in May-June 2020. Second follow-up was collected among 700 people in 2021-2022.


Free keywordsAgeing, activity, participation, mobility, physical activity, disability, health literacy, psychological wellbeing, cohort, epidemiology, randomized controlled trial, covid-19;

Keywords (YSO)older peopleageingactivity (properties)old agewell-beingfunctional capacityconceptions of healthdisabilitywellbeing services counties

Fields of scienceMedical and Health sciences

Follow-up groupsGerontology and Public Health (Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences LTK, SPORT) TGESchool of Wellbeing (University of Jyväskylä JYU) JYU.WellActive ageing and care (University of Jyväskylä JYU) AAC

Do you deal with data concerning special categories of personal data in your research?Yes

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Last updated on 2024-04-04 at 14:22