Radiation-Induced Luminescence of Gd-Doped Sol-Gel Silica Glass under electron beams in acrylic phantoms

Söderström, Daniel Paul; Kettunen, Heikki; Timonen, Oskari. (2022). Radiation-Induced Luminescence of Gd-Doped Sol-Gel Silica Glass under electron beams in acrylic phantoms. V. 21.11.2022. University of Jyväskylä. https://doi.org/10.23729/e7988ecf-d719-472e-9ad7-c66d0f7c427a.

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Kaikki tekijätSöderström, Daniel Paul; Kettunen, Heikki; Timonen, Oskari

RahoittajatEuroopan komissio


Saatavuus ja tunnisteet

SaatavuustietoLadattavissa verkosta

Aineiston julkaisuvuosi2022

DOI-tunniste alkuperäisessä julkaisupaikassahttps://doi.org/10.23729/e7988ecf-d719-472e-9ad7-c66d0f7c427a

Aineiston kuvailu

KuvausThis data set contains test data from electron irradiation experiments of a sol-gel silica glass rod doped with Gd3+ ions (to about 0.1 wt%), with length 1 cm and diameter 0.5 mm. The rod was fusion-spliced to a 0.5 mm pure-silica core transport fiber of 5 m length. The radiation-indced luminescence was detected at the end of the transport fiber using the monochromator POSSU, with a photomultiplier tube (PMT) as a photon detector. The PMT signal was transported to a digitizer (CAEN N6751), and the digitized PMT signal traces is the main part of this data set. A spectrometer (Ocean Optics USB2000+ UV-VIS-ES) was also used as a light detector, to measure emission spectra.

The set contains data from runs with various experimental configurations. The main parameters that are varied are thickness of acrylic over the sample in the beam, electron beam energy, electron beam incident angle, and the selected data collection wavelength with the monochromator in the runs when it was used.

Aineiston kielienglanti

Vapaat asiasanatOptical fiber; Dosimetry; Sol-gel silica; Electrons; Electron radiation; Radiation-induced luminescence; Dose-depth curves; Radiation-induced attenuation

YSO-asiasanatkuituoptiikkadosimetritelektronitionisoiva säteilysäteilytysluminesenssi

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