Supplementary data for the article "The effect of atmospherically relevant aminium salts on water uptake"

Hyttinen, Noora. (2023). Supplementary data for the article "The effect of atmospherically relevant aminium salts on water uptake". University of Jyväskylä.

JYU authors
  • Contact person (yes/no)Yes

All authorsHyttinen, Noora

FundersResearch Council of Finland


Availability and identifiers

AvailabilityDirect download

Publication year2023

URN identifier in original repository

DOI identifier in original repository

URN identifier in JYX

DOI identifier in JYX

Description of the dataset

DescriptionSupplementary data for the article "The effect of atmospherically relevant aminium salts on water uptake". Contains a database of cosmo files used in the COSMOtherm calculations presented in the article. The files are divided into TZVP, calculated at the BP/TZVP level of theory and TZVPD-FINE, calculated at the BP/TZVPD level of theory using Turbomole version 7.5.1. Cosmo files of water, alkylamines and alkylaminiums can be found from BIOVIA COSMObase 2021.


Free keywordsCOSMO-RS; COSMOtherm

Keywords (YSO)atmospheric sciencesatmospheric chemistryaerosol physics

Fields of science116 Chemical sciences

Follow-up groupsNanoscience Center (Department of Physics PHYS, JYFL) (Faculty of Mathematics and Science) (Department of Chemistry CHEM) (Department of Biological and Environmental Science BIOENV) NSC

Do you deal with data concerning special categories of personal data in your research?No

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Last updated on 2024-04-04 at 14:23